This post is sponsored by Homeschool Buyers Co-Op. I have been compensated for my time and have not been required to write a positive review.
You've researched your options, written your lesson plans, and your books are lined up neatly on the shelves. You've got it, mama! You are ready to start this new school year!
Can I ask you a quick question before you begin?
Have you included any resources in your homeschool curriculum this year that will nourish your child's soul? Are you purposely choosing books, pictures, and other materials that will help guide your child into appreciating beauty?
If you think you may have neglected this aspect of your curriculum, or if you just want to add more beauty to your day, never fear because I have some great options to share with you!

Let's start with a FREEBIE! You can try out HomeSchoolPiano for free until the end of the month (August 31, 2017). Developing the skills of listening to, mimicking, and creating music are essential to guiding your child toward the appreciation of beauty. If your child is not already taking piano lessons, definitely check HomeSchoolPiano out while it's free!
Maestro Classics...This is one I've had my eye on for a long time. A mix of story, beautiful music, and learning. Sounds perfect to me!
"Stories in Music™ is a classical music series for children & families written for narrator and orchestra. Filled with fun stories and musical explanations, they are designed to help your family cultivate a love of music through education and joyful performances, expand and develop listening skills, and encourage families to listen together."
300+ Drawing Lessons: Video drawing lessons, Step by Step animated lessons, games and more. Plus, Mark's team is adding new courses and content all the time.
You've researched your options, written your lesson plans, and your books are lined up neatly on the shelves. You've got it, mama! You are ready to start this new school year!
Can I ask you a quick question before you begin?
Have you included any resources in your homeschool curriculum this year that will nourish your child's soul? Are you purposely choosing books, pictures, and other materials that will help guide your child into appreciating beauty?
If you think you may have neglected this aspect of your curriculum, or if you just want to add more beauty to your day, never fear because I have some great options to share with you!
Music for your Homeschool

Let's start with a FREEBIE! You can try out HomeSchoolPiano for free until the end of the month (August 31, 2017). Developing the skills of listening to, mimicking, and creating music are essential to guiding your child toward the appreciation of beauty. If your child is not already taking piano lessons, definitely check HomeSchoolPiano out while it's free!
A FREE Membership to HomeSchoolPiano includes:
Access to ALL lessons, unlimited viewing of the lessons on any device, up to 5 students per household can use the site, sheet music, mp3s and other lesson files, jam tracks to play along with, and bonus material
Maestro Classics
Maestro Classics...This is one I've had my eye on for a long time. A mix of story, beautiful music, and learning. Sounds perfect to me!
"Stories in Music™ is a classical music series for children & families written for narrator and orchestra. Filled with fun stories and musical explanations, they are designed to help your family cultivate a love of music through education and joyful performances, expand and develop listening skills, and encourage families to listen together."
Each CD Set Includes
- An enchanting story set to great music
- Superb recordings by the London Philharmonic Orchestra
- Educational tracks describing the creation of the music, composers' lives, musical composition, and more
- A 24 page activity booklet
Art for your Homeschool
Mark Kistler's Online Art Lessons

I am always amazed at what my children can draw when they are following step by step instructions. These lessons are just that, and will help your child think critically and view the world through a different perspective.
Home Art Studio

Home Art Studio is great because it goes beyond just drawing skills to teach many different types of art techniques. You child will be able to add beauty to your home with their creations!
Watch this great little video that shows lots of examples of what your children will learn.
Art Appreciation for Middle and High Schoolers
Circle of Scholars by Professor Carol
I heard Professor Carol once at a homeschool conference, and her love for the arts was infectious!
Current curriculum focuses so much on math, science, language arts, etc., but we are missing out nourishing an entire portion of our being when we neglect to appreciate and engage in the arts.
Professor Carol argues that we also miss out on understanding much of the other subjects when we neglect the arts. That is why she made this course.
- Discovering Music: 300 Years of Western Music, Arts, History, and Culture. Our flagship course covering the history of music from approximately 1600 to 1914.
- Early Sacred Music: History from the Jerusalem Temple to 1400 featuring performances of ancient music, Gregorian chant, and Medieval polyphony.
- America's Artistic Legacy: American History finds expression in the incredible richness of America’s music, art, drama, and literature.
- Imperial Russia: From ancient bells and chant to the Romanticism of Tchaikovsky, a course on Russia’s distinctive history and culture.
If you are still looking for even more curriculum ideas for your homeschool, I encourage you to browse the rest of the Homeschool Buyers Co-Op site!
The Homeschool Buyers Co-op has an award-winning selection of electives, including typing programs, health curriculum, driver’s education, foreign language learning, arts and music programs, critical thinking programs, and more.
Electives (Electives, Art & Music, Foreign Languages, Thinking & Other Skills, etc.) – Savings up to 89%