- Genesis 2:7-8 "Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and the man became a living creature. Then the Lord made a garden in Eden, in the east, and there he placed the man who he had formed."
Day 1
History Readings
- Genesis 2
- A Is for Adam - D
- When Dragons' Hearts Were Good
- This is a super cute fictional story about what it might have been like in the Garden of Eden before the fall. It comes with a CD that tells the story and has a song to go with it. Trevor really enjoys listening to the story and turning the pages as the narrator reads!
- World Map
- We colored each of the continents on a blank world map and worked on memorizing their names.
- McGuffey's First Reader - lesson 2
- Writing Notebook - add words "box, school, belong, door"
- Copywork - Genesis 2:7
Day 2
History Readings
- Genesis 2:21-24 (we re-read the whole chapter)
- A Is for Adam - E
- The Story of the Ancient World - chapter 2
- Make a Family Tree
- I printed pictures of each of our family members (grandmas and grandpas, aunts, uncles, and cousins) and drew circles on a page where everyone should go. Trevor had to figure out where to put each face. This was difficult for him, but we got to talk a lot about how everyone fit together!
- Primary Language Lessons - lesson 2
- Writing Notebook
- Dictation - Primary Language Lessons - lesson 2
Day 3
History Readings
- Genesis 2:8-17 (we re-read the whole chapter)
- A Is for Adam - F
- The Story of the Ancient World - chapter 3
- Garden of Eden Diarama
- Using materials we had on hand (an old box, toilet paper tubes, tissue paper, and pipe cleaners) we created the Garden of Eden! Our main focus was on placing the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil" in the center of the box. I think it turned out pretty well!
- McGuffey's First Reader - lesson 2
- Writing Notebook
- copywork - a selection from lesson 2 in McGuffey's Reader
- Nature Journal page on a Katydid.
Day 4
History Readings
- Genesis 3:1-5
- A is for Adam - G & H
- Treat Temptation
- I put some candies on a tray and told the kids that they could not eat them. I told them that they could eat whatever they wanted that day, but not the candies. I kept the candies out where they could reach them all day. Luck for me, they did not ask for anything crazy to eat, but I did try to remember to let them eat what they wanted (for example, not making them finish all their dinner, or giving them an apple in the middle of doing something else). I am happy to report that they did not eat the candies! I let them eat them the next day =)
- Primary Language Lessons - lesson 3
- Writing Notebook
- Copywork - Primary Language Lessons - lesson 3
Supplemental History Reading
- Yellow & Pink
- The Genesis of It All
- The Creation Story
- The Beautiful World That God Made
- Song of Creation
- The World that God Made
- Adam and Eve: The Bible Story
Read Alouds
Besides not feeling like there is enough time in the day, I am really pleased with how well this year is going! Essentially we do school and clean the house in the morning (though the house is never completely kept up), eat lunch, take naps, then daddy comes home. Of course there is playing in there too. The days just seem to go by so fast! I could have Trevor not nap, but I am not ready to give that up yet. He doesn't sleep every day, but he at least rests and then reads books on his bed for a total of almost two hours while Mackenzie sleeps. Do you have your children have a quiet time in the day?
Happy Learning!