Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Trivium Tuesdays - Classical Link-Up #127

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Welcome to another week of Trivium Tuesdays!  For those of you who are new here today, this is a link-up aimed at encouraging and informing other homeschoolers who use the Classical model of teaching.  Here we can share with each other and learn from one another.

Don't forget to follow my Pinterest boards that are a part of the All Things Classical List!

 photo AllThingsClassical-titlepic_zps4a3485e7.png

Also, please remember to only link up posts that have to do with homeschooling using the classical model of education.  Thank you for understanding this link-up's theme.

Featured Post from Last Week

Thoughts on Essentials/IEW from a First Year Mom was the most clicked post from last week, plus I really enjoyed it!  Essentials is the second step of the program at Classical Conversations.  It covers in depth writing (and I think some math) for 4th-6th graders.  I am always interested to learn what real-life moms have to say about programs, and Colleen does not disappoint!

This Week's Link-Up

Here are the rules:
  • Your post must have to do (in some way) with classical homeschooling (any age children).
  • Your post may be from your archives as long as you only post it one time on this link-up.
  • Please link to your direct post, not your blog in general.
  • Please link back to this post in some way. You can use my Trivium Tuesdays button (found on my right sidebar) if you'd like so others can learn about this link-up! Button code: <a href="http://www.livingandlearningathome.com/" target="_blank" title="Trivium Tuesdays"><img alt="Living and Learning at Home" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj8bYsfMVF9tdI6haQLUiZ1rvZIf1kDaqnjHIOJA46X62tWXnlPDkU-5OqujsZyjoDp39J7dbhUx9CRFPyV991_BapG9dHciT8osyXwMtDtG6mV_TDyoECv_e5-oKFc2ZavhE4Ds9rj_8Kn/s1600/Trivium+Tuesdays+-+button.png"/></a>
  • It may be helpful to state in your link description what stage of the trivium or what subject your post is about, if applicable, so others can easily find posts they are interested in looking at.
  • Remember, everyone loves comments =) So don't be shy, and tell someone if you liked their post!

I reserve the right to remove any link-up that does not have to do with classical homeschooling.         

If you are a regular here at Trivium Tuesdays and have something to share that is a little off topic, but still would be an encouragement to the readers here, please still share it =)  I'm referring to people who are just trying to get their blog more exposure without following the rules above.

I will visit each of your blogs this week and feature my favorite link-up for all to see next week!  Also, if your blog has a button I will place it on my sidebar (under Friends to Visit) for the week until it is replaced by the next week's favorite =)

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Monday, September 29, 2014

Big Book of Homeschool Ideas Blog Tour & A Sale!

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This post contains an affiliate link to a book that I contributed to!

I've got two neat announcements for you today!  From now until November 10th you can get both the Big Book of Homeschool Ideas and the 23 mp3s from the iHomechool Studio for just $15.  That is over half off!  Snag the deal now...you won't be sorry!

The next announcement is that to go along with this sale, we are doing a blog tour though some of the chapters from the book!  This is going to be really fun.  Each day in October, a different author will talk about the chapter that she wrote in the book and many even have fun giveaways to go along with it!

Here's the line up:

  • October 1 - Heather Woodie from Blog, She Wrote. Author of the chapters Teaching Geography with Geography Quests, Teaching Sewing in Homeschool, and Being a Homeschooling Mentor Rather Than an Instructor.
  • October 2 - Stephanie Harrington from Harrington Harmonies. Author of the chapters Everything You Need to Know About Gardening and You CAN Teach Art. Stephanie will be giving away a Teaching Art Basketful of Goodies.
  • October 3 - Joan Otto from Unschool Rules. Author of the chapter Learning from Video Games. Joan will be giving away a $20 GameStop gift card.
  • October 4 - Mary Prather from Homegrown Learners. Author of the chapter How to Teach with LEGO. Mary will be giving away free LEGO scripture copywork.
  • October 5 - Amy Stults from Milk and Cookies. Author of the chapters Learning with Maps and Genealogy for Kids. Amy will be giving away a copy of WonderMaps from Bright Ideas Press.
  • October 6 - Eva Varga from EvaVarga.net. Author of the chapters How to Use Postage Stamps for Learning and Inquiry Science with Middle School Students. Eva will be giving away Getting Started with Inquiry Science.
  • October 7 - Colleen Kessler from Raising Lifelong Learners . Author of the chapter Hands-on Science. Colleen will be giving away Science for Smart Kids: Electricity.
  • October 8 - Sallie Borrink from SallieBorrink.com. Author of the chapters Allowing Play to be Your Child's Preschool, Parenting a Spirited or Highly-Sensitive Child, and Parenting an Only Child. Sallie will be giving away a $25 shopping spree at Sallie Borrink Learning.
  • October 9 - Karyn Tripp from Teach Beside Me. Author of the chapter Homeschooling with Games. Karyn will be giving away a printable Build a House - Math Bingo Game.
  • October 10 - Selena Robinson from Look, We're Learning. Author of the chapters Teaching Foreign Language, Active Learning Ideas for Kinesthetic Learners, Using Movies for Learning, How to Add PE to Your Homeschool Day, and Homeschooling Through the Summer. Selena will be giving away We Got Jazz.
  • October 11 - Janine LaTulippe from True Aim Education. Author of the chapters How to Encourage Math Haters, How to Answer the Critics of Homeschooling, and Character Development. Janine will be giving away a Character eBook Set and a Free Character Building Activities printable.
  • October 12 - Marci Goodwin from The Homeschool Scientist. Author of the chapter Nature Study. Marci will be giving away a field guide.
  • October 13 - Jennifer Dunlap from Forever, For Always, No Matter What. Author of the chapters Homeschooling in a Large Family and Homeschooling through a Move. Jennifer will be giving away a couple of Florida learning resources.
  • October 14 - Ticia Messing from Adventures in Mommydom. Author of the chapters Tools to Teach the Bible to Your Kids and Hands-on Learning. Ticia will be giving away an Old Testament Bible study.
  • October 15 - Alicia Hutchinson from Investing Love. Author of the chapters Children's Literature, Homeschool Conferences, and Unit Studies. Alicia will be giving away Mrs. Hutchinson's Classroom Guide: Homeschool Basics.
  • October 16 - Michelle Cannon from Heart of Michelle. Author of the chapters Transitioning from Elementary to Middle School, Homeschooling the Child with Bipolar Disorder, and Navigating from High School to College with a Dyslexic Child. Michelle will be giving away a one-hour homeschool consultation.
  • October 17 - Jennifer Janes from Jennifer A. Janes. Author of the chapters Special Needs Homeschooling and 25 Ideas for Ministry and Volunteering in the Community with Kids.
  • October 18 - Renee Brown from Great Peace Academy. Author of the chapters How to Find Resources for Gifted Child Homeschooling, How to Homeschool During Job Loss, and Prioritizing your Marriage While Homeschooling. Renee will be giving away a $25 Amazon card.
  • October 19 - Adelien Tandian from Blessed Learners. Author of the chapters How to Start Research With Your Logic Stage Kids. Adelien will be giving away Basic Science Notebooking Pages and Graphic Organizers.
  • October 20 - Heidi Ciravola from Starts at Eight. Author of the chapters Making Tweens and Teens More Independent Learners and High School Literature. Heidi will be giving away The Ultimate Homeschool Planner and The Ultimate Weekly Planner for Teens from Apologia.
  • October 21 - Dianna Kennedy from The Kennedy Adventures. Author of the chapters Keeping Babies and Toddlers Occupied While Homeschooling, Managing Extra Curricular Activities and Homeschooling, and Homeschooling While Pregnant. Dianna will be giving away a $25 Amazon gift card.
  • October 22 - LaToya Edwards from Learning to Let Him Lead. Author of the chapters Homeschooling Elementary Aged Boys, and Single Parent Homeschooling.
  • October 23 - Carisa Hinson from 1+1+1=1. Author of the chapter Homeschooling Tots. Carisa will be giving away Animal ABCs Bundle.
  • October 24 - Shannen Espelien from Middle Way Mom. Author of the chapters Getting Started with Credit-by-exam, Where to Buy and Sell Used Curriculum, and Transitioning to a Virtual School from Public School.
  • October 25 - Marianne Sunderland from Adundant Life. Author of the chapters Homeschooling Teen Girls, The Power of Interest-led Learning, and Raising Kids With Vision. Marianne will be giving away a DVD/study guide bundle of Intrepid: The Zac Sunderland Story - Part 1, Part 2 and Wild Eyes: The Abby Sunderland Story.
  • October 26 - Kyle Suzanne McVay from Aspired Living. Author of the chapter Classical Homeschooling. Kyle will be giving away A Home Educators Guide to Living Math.
  • October 27 - Mama Jenn from Mama Jenn. Author of the chapter Homeschooling Twins. Jenn will be giving away an Education Cubes Set (membership AND cubes/photo blocks).
  • October 28 - Amy Matkovich from A Journey of Purpose. Author of the chapters Making the First Day of Homeschool Special, and How to Make a Homeschool Budget and Stick to it. Amy will be giving away Dave Ramsey?s Total Money Makeover book and The Graduate?s Survival Guide (book and DVD).
  • October 29 - Amy Maze from Living and Learning at Home. Author of the chapter Free eBooks and Audiobooks.

So stay tuned for lots of practical homeschooling goodness, and while you wait, snatch your own copy of the Big Book of Homeschool Ideas and be filled with tons of ideas and encouragement for this year!

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Friday, September 26, 2014

WIN a Book that will Enrich Your Mind and Soul - Scholé Everyday

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Thank you Classical Academic Press for sponsoring this giveaway!

This post wraps up our month of Scholé Everyday!   If you missed the first post which explains what's going on, take a minute to read it.  Remember, these are just going to be short posts with an idea to encourage you in the way of restful learning.

Do you remember at the beginning of the month when I encouraged you to join the great conversation?   Well, did you?  Did you pick a book from your shelf, the library, or amazon? (If so, what did you pick!?)

If you haven't picked a book yet, that's ok!  Today I have some great news.  Next month we will be starting back up with the Classical Mamas Read book club, so you can just read along!  I promise that this book will be inspiring to you.  It will open your eyes to a greater understanding of classical education and put you right into the great conversation!  So what is it?

The Liberal Arts Tradition

The Liberal Arts Tradition is published by Classical Academic Press and authored by Kevin Clark and Ravi Scott Jain.  The best news is that you can enter to win one of three copies at the end of this post!

This book is perfect for anyone who already has a basic understanding of what classical education is and wants to learn more.  The back of the book says it well:

"This book introduces readers to a paradigm for understanding classical education that transcends the familiar three-stage pattern of grammar, logic, and rhetoric.  Instead, this book describes the liberal arts as a central part of a larger and more robust paradigm of classical education..."

So what do you think?  Will you join me in reading The Liberal Arts Tradition?  The book club will start on October 17th, which gives you a few weeks to get the book...if you don't win the giveaway!

Thank you to everyone who joined me in this month of Scholé!  I hope you will continue learning from a state of rest, and reading this book along with me is a great step to help that happen!

Enter using the Raffelbopter below, and let's get to reading!  I can wait to learn along with you and to encourage one another in our classical education journey.

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a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Get Together with a Friend for Good Food and Drink - Scholé Everyday

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This post includes an affiliate link to a resource that I love!

Thanks for coming back another day of our month of Scholé Everyday!   If you missed the first post which explains what's going on, take a minute to read it.  Remember, these are just going to be short posts with an idea to encourage you in the way of restful learning.

Just this post and one more tomorrow, then the series will be over!  Looking back over the month, have you noticed any changes?  Has your home or school day been positively effected in any way?  For some reason, this month has been incredibly crazy for me, but each night I go to bed looking forward to our school time the next morning.  It is reassuring to know that each day will bring with it some sort of restful learning.  I look forward to continuing to implement these ideas all year long!

Today's encouragement is to:

Get Together with a Friend

Do you remember way back at the beginning of the month when I challenged you to ask a friend to join you on this journey?  I encouraged you to set a date to get together later in the month.  Did you do that?  Have you gotten together yet?  If not, why don't you take the opportunity to do it this weekend?

I got together with my friend earlier in the month.  She is a newer friend of mine (we met in the past 2 years), and we are usually surrounded with children when we get to chat, so it was really nice to be able to sit for a few hours and talk deeply.

We talked about homeschooling, and encouraged each other with ideas of how to better run our days.  We talked about Classical Conversations and our thoughts about this new year.  We shared about our children and encouraged one another in our role of being mothers.  We talked about the Body of Christ and how we can use our gifts in the church.  We shared ideas and ideals, visions and desires, and helped each other refine our thoughts on them all.

We sat in a coffee shop until they closed, and then talked in the parking lot for a while longer.  It was good for my soul.

I should have taken a picture to share here, but I'm not really into selfies ;)

If you got together with a friend, I'd love to hear about it!  If you haven't, get to it this weekend and then come back and share!

If you are purposing to incorporate scholé into your home this year, I'd love to hear from you!  Share with me what you are doing or how these ideas have impacted your homeschool and I can compile your stories in to a post.  I'd love to even have some guest bloggers if you'd like to write a whole post about how you are using scholé in your homeschool this year!  Contact me and let me know how you are doing!

Teaching from Rest: A Homeschooler's Guide to Unshakable Peace
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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Take a Walk - Scholé Everyday

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This post includes an affiliate link to a resource that I love!

Thanks for coming back another day of our month of Scholé Everyday!   If you missed the first post which explains what's going on, take a minute to read it.  Remember, these are just going to be short posts with an idea to encourage you in the way of restful learning.

I could hardly believe it when I realized that this is the last full week of September.  It's time to be wrapping up this series!  I have a few more encouragements for you, which I hope to share the rest of this week.

Today's encouragement is to:

Take a Walk

My soul is at rest when I am outside amongst nature.  Now, that isn't to say that I always choose to go outside.  Often I get so caught up doing things in the house that I forget how important it is to get outside.  Once I go, though, I always feel at peace.  Do you need a gentle nudge to get outside today?  I do not know what it is like where you are, but in my area, it is going to be beautiful this week!  If it is anything like that near you, take advantage of it and go take a walk.

  • An evening stroll by yourself to nourish your soul
  • A nature walk with your kids, to observe the leaves and flowers 
  • A walk down your street with your family, to encourage conversation without distraction
  • A mini trip to a nature area to go hiking
  • A strolling date with your husband, to have undivided time together to nourish your relationship.

Maybe you are starting to feel the drag from school being in session for a while now.  Think how rejuvenating a late morning or early afternoon stroll with your kids would be.  Wouldn't that just perk everyone up for the rest of the day?  Remember, scholé isn't about lounging around all day, or making every learning opportunity a restful experience.  It is simply about taking some time each day to nourish your soul.

Give yourself the opportunity to contemplate something good, true, and beautiful today!   A walk is a perfect way to do that.

If you are purposing to incorporate scholé into your home this year, I'd love to hear from you!  Share with me what you are doing or how these ideas have impacted your homeschool and I can compile your stories in to a post.  I'd love to even have some guest bloggers if you'd like to write a whole post about how you are using scholé in your homeschool this year!  Contact me and let me know how you are doing!

Teaching from Rest: A Homeschooler's Guide to Unshakable Peace
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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Trivium Tuesdays - Classical Link-Up #126

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Welcome to another week of Trivium Tuesdays!  For those of you who are new here today, this is a link-up aimed at encouraging and informing other homeschoolers who use the Classical model of teaching.  Here we can share with each other and learn from one another.

Don't forget to follow my Pinterest boards that are a part of the All Things Classical List!

 photo AllThingsClassical-titlepic_zps4a3485e7.png

Also, please remember to only link up posts that have to do with homeschooling using the classical model of education.  Thank you for understanding this link-up's theme.

Featured Post from Last Week

Bonnie  has taken on one of the challenges from my Scholé Everyday series, and wrote about it on her blog last week!  Check out how her learning from rest worked out when she took school outside!

Your Favorite from Last Week

I always love a good book list, and it seems as though you do too!  20+ Years of Family Read Aloud Chapter Books, from Journey and Destination, was the most clicked from last week!  Check it out if you missed it before.

This Week's Link-Up

Here are the rules:
  • Your post must have to do (in some way) with classical homeschooling (any age children).
  • Your post may be from your archives as long as you only post it one time on this link-up.
  • Please link to your direct post, not your blog in general.
  • Please link back to this post in some way. You can use my Trivium Tuesdays button (found on my right sidebar) if you'd like so others can learn about this link-up! Button code: <a href="http://www.livingandlearningathome.com/" target="_blank" title="Trivium Tuesdays"><img alt="Living and Learning at Home" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj8bYsfMVF9tdI6haQLUiZ1rvZIf1kDaqnjHIOJA46X62tWXnlPDkU-5OqujsZyjoDp39J7dbhUx9CRFPyV991_BapG9dHciT8osyXwMtDtG6mV_TDyoECv_e5-oKFc2ZavhE4Ds9rj_8Kn/s1600/Trivium+Tuesdays+-+button.png"/></a>
  • It may be helpful to state in your link description what stage of the trivium or what subject your post is about, if applicable, so others can easily find posts they are interested in looking at.
  • Remember, everyone loves comments =) So don't be shy, and tell someone if you liked their post!

I reserve the right to remove any link-up that does not have to do with classical homeschooling.         

If you are a regular here at Trivium Tuesdays and have something to share that is a little off topic, but still would be an encouragement to the readers here, please still share it =)  I'm referring to people who are just trying to get their blog more exposure without following the rules above.

I will visit each of your blogs this week and feature my favorite link-up for all to see next week!  Also, if your blog has a button I will place it on my sidebar (under Friends to Visit) for the week until it is replaced by the next week's favorite =)

 photo SubscribeButton_zpsdc17ac56.png

Friday, September 19, 2014

Add Some Music to Your Day

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This post includes an affiliate link to a resource that I love!

Thanks for coming back another day of our month of Scholé Everyday!   If you missed the first post which explains what's going on, take a minute to read it.  Remember, these are just going to be short posts with an idea to encourage you in the way of restful learning.

Have you gotten into a habit of starting off each morning with classical music?  How is that setting the tone for you and your children?  Have you spent some time outdoors taking in the sounds of nature?  Sometimes that can be like it's own kind of symphony!

Today my encouragement to you is to:

Add Some (More) Music to Your Day

Maybe this wouldn't be something for everyday (or maybe it's would be in your family!) but try adding some extra music into your day.  Maybe this would be in the form of sitting around the piano and singing while one person plays.  Or maybe making sure that the children have time to practice an instrument and you actually sit and enjoy listening to them!  Or how about inviting over a few friends for a time of singing hymns?  Have you ever been to your local orchestra?  How about making now the time that you plan a trip?

However you do it, try to add some more music time into your day sometime this weekend or next week.  There is so much to be learned from each of the ideas above, and music always calms the soul. (Well, most kinds of music, anyways =)

If you are purposing to incorporate scholé into your home this year, I'd love to hear from you!  Share with me what you are doing or how these ideas have impacted your homeschool and I can compile your stories in to a post.  I'd love to even have some guest bloggers if you'd like to write a whole post about how you are using scholé in your homeschool this year!  Contact me and let me know how you are doing!

Teaching from Rest: A Homeschooler's Guide to Unshakable Peace
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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Put a Piece of Art up in Your Home - Scholé Everyday

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This post contains affiliate links to products I recommend!

Thanks for coming back another day of our month of Scholé Everyday!   If you missed the first post which explains what's going on, take a minute to read it.  Remember, these are just going to be short posts with an idea to encourage you in the way of restful learning.

Today my encouragement to you is to:

Put a Piece of Art up in Your Home

I was struck when I heard Dr. Perrin talk about contemplating the Good, the True, and the Beautiful.  One thing he said is that in order to encourage your kids to do this, you have to place good, true, and beautiful things in front of them!  Makes sense, doesn't it?  He said that if your kids are bored, it just means that they are not contemplating the Good, the True, and the Beautiful.  Brilliant!  So, let's get started and give our kids something to contemplate!

When I first thought of bringing art into my home, my first thought was that it would be expensive and that would be difficult because I am pretty cheap.  (Dr. Perrin also talked about how sometimes it is worth spending money on things that will enrich our souls even though they don't have any real tangible worth.)  You might be thinking the same thing, so I wanted to share some ideas with you for how you can get art in your home pretty cheaply.

  • Buy poster prints of fine art and frame them.  I recently bought about 6 of them for just a few dollars each.  The frame was the most expensive part, but you might have one at home already.  Here is one that I have up in my home right now: Van Gough Turquoise Almond Branches in Bloom

  • Go to a bookstore (preferably a used bookstore, well, or amazon now that I think of it) and look for large books of art.  Find one filled with big pictures, cut them out and frame them!  I have this big Norman Rockwell book from my parents, and I recently found an O'Keefe  book in the used section of Barnes and Noble.  

  •  Calendars!  I've started to see calendars in the stores again.  Look for a fine arts one, or one of one specific artist's work, and cut out the pictures. (Here's an example of one from Renoir.)  These may not be huge, but you could put them in a smaller frame to sit on an end table or at your child's school table.  Then switch out the picture each week.

Do you have fine art up in your home?  What are you tips for encouraging your kids to contemplate beautiful things?  This is not something that comes naturally to me, but like I mentioned, I've spent a few dollars on some prints, and I'm hoping that will be a good start!  My hope is to change the pictures up about every month, so my family will have a variety of artists to admire throughout this year.

If you are purposing to incorporate scholé into your home this year, I'd love to hear from you!  Share with me what you are doing or how these ideas have impacted your homeschool and I can compile your stories in to a post.  I'd love to even have some guest bloggers if you'd like to write a whole post about how you are using scholé in your homeschool this year!  Contact me and let me know how you are doing!

Teaching from Rest: A Homeschooler's Guide to Unshakable Peace
 photo SubscribeButton_zpsdc17ac56.png

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Trivium Tuesdays - Classical Link-Up #125

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Welcome to another week of Trivium Tuesdays!  For those of you who are new here today, this is a link-up aimed at encouraging and informing other homeschoolers who use the Classical model of teaching.  Here we can share with each other and learn from one another.

Don't forget to follow my Pinterest boards that are a part of the All Things Classical List!

 photo AllThingsClassical-titlepic_zps4a3485e7.png

Also, please remember to only link up posts that have to do with homeschooling using the classical model of education.  Thank you for understanding this link-up's theme.

Featured Post from Last Week

My favorite post from last week was Are You Teaching From Rest or Fear from Classically Homeschooling.  If you have been reading here this month, you'll know that I've been focusing on teaching from rest, so it's no surprise that this post stuck out to me!   I am just always so encouraged and inspired when I read about teaching from rest.  Go ahead, hop on over and get inspired too!

Your Favorite from Last Week

Last week's most clicked post was Teaching Grammar and Logic Stage Math Classically from Aspired Living.  Kyle has some ideas that might be a little different than what you are used to...or maybe you do the same thing!  Go and find out, if you missed the post last week.

This Week's Link-Up

Here are the rules:
  • Your post must have to do (in some way) with classical homeschooling (any age children).
  • Your post may be from your archives as long as you only post it one time on this link-up.
  • Please link to your direct post, not your blog in general.
  • Please link back to this post in some way. You can use my Trivium Tuesdays button (found on my right sidebar) if you'd like so others can learn about this link-up! Button code: <a href="http://www.livingandlearningathome.com/" target="_blank" title="Trivium Tuesdays"><img alt="Living and Learning at Home" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj8bYsfMVF9tdI6haQLUiZ1rvZIf1kDaqnjHIOJA46X62tWXnlPDkU-5OqujsZyjoDp39J7dbhUx9CRFPyV991_BapG9dHciT8osyXwMtDtG6mV_TDyoECv_e5-oKFc2ZavhE4Ds9rj_8Kn/s1600/Trivium+Tuesdays+-+button.png"/></a>
  • It may be helpful to state in your link description what stage of the trivium or what subject your post is about, if applicable, so others can easily find posts they are interested in looking at.
  • Remember, everyone loves comments =) So don't be shy, and tell someone if you liked their post!

I reserve the right to remove any link-up that does not have to do with classical homeschooling.         

If you are a regular here at Trivium Tuesdays and have something to share that is a little off topic, but still would be an encouragement to the readers here, please still share it =)  I'm referring to people who are just trying to get their blog more exposure without following the rules above.

I will visit each of your blogs this week and feature my favorite link-up for all to see next week!  Also, if your blog has a button I will place it on my sidebar (under Friends to Visit) for the week until it is replaced by the next week's favorite =)

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Monday, September 15, 2014

Sit Down with Your Kids and Talk - Scholé Everyday

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Thanks for coming back for more of our month of Scholé Everyday!   If you missed the first post which explains what's going on, take a minute to read it.  Remember, these are just going to be short posts with an idea to encourage you in the way of restful learning.

I have an interesting observation for my month of scholé.  Usually I am a pretty simple person, who leads a pretty simple life.  I purposely do not schedule too much in my days because I just don't like unnecessary business.  For some reason, this month has been jam packed!  I don't know if it just has to do with school starting again, and everybody getting a new start for fall, or what, but I am busier this month than I have been in a long time...and it's stressing me out!  It's just so funny to me that the month I want to focus on restful learning is the month that I'm extra busy.  It is making it more challenging than I thought it would be, but that only makes it more important that I'm doing this.

Today my encouragement to you (and me!) is to:

Sit Down with Your Kids and Talk

If you are like me this month (or like most of America everyday), your days get so busy that everything gets rushed and no one really has time to sit and enjoy one another.  Make time for that today!  If you are still working on school today, why don't you cut out a half hour early and just have a good conversation with your kids.  Talk about a book they are reading, their latest hobby, their friends...or anything else!  The important thing is that they feel like you really care.

I have great memories of doing nothing but sitting with my parents and just talking.  In fact, I still appreciate that my mom is willing to listen to everything that is on my mind =)

If it won't work today, I encourage you to try to sit and enjoy talking with your kids sometime this week.  Maybe you could make some hot chocolate or serve cookies, or just something to make it special!  Maybe you can sit outside and observe the leaves changing color, or maybe you will sit on your couch and just be comfy! Or maybe one morning you will gather your kids into your bed and all stay there and chat for a while...whatever works for you and your kids!

If you are purposing to incorporate scholé into your home this year, I'd love to hear from you!  Share with me what you are doing or how these ideas have impacted your homeschool and I can compile your stories in to a post.  I'd love to even have some guest bloggers if you'd like to write a whole post about how you are using scholé in your homeschool this year!  Contact me and let me know how you are doing!

Teaching from Rest: A Homeschooler's Guide to Unshakable Peace
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Friday, September 12, 2014

Take it Outside - Scholé Everyday

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Thanks for coming back to another day of our month of Scholé Everyday!   If you missed the first post which explains what's going on, take a minute to read it.  Remember, these are just going to be short posts with an idea to encourage you in the way of restful learning.

How is your month going so far?  I have been pretty consistent about having classical music on when my kids come out each morning.  We are all enjoying it!  We have had some flowers on the table, but now that I think of it, I should go cut some more from our garden =)  I am looking forward to meeting with a friend next week for some good conversation.  Which things from this series have you incorporated so far?

Today my encouragement to you is to:

Take it Outside!

I live in Michigan, and it is starting to get chilly.  Now that isn't to say that we won't have another 90 degree day, because that is how Michigan is, but fall is definitely on the horizon!

Why don't you pick a subject today and take the kids outside to do it?  Some subjects are not as conducive to this as others, but at least you could take a book out and have a read aloud session.  It is hard to not contemplate the true, the good, and the beautiful when you are outside, so it is the perfect place to enjoy some restful learning!

If you still have some nice weather left in your area, you could purpose to do one school lesson outside each week until it gets too cold =)  I know your kids would enjoy it, and I bet it would be good for your soul as well!

If you are purposing to incorporate scholé into your home this year, I'd love to hear from you!  Share with me what you are doing or how these ideas have impacted your homeschool and I can compile your stories in to a post.  I'd love to even have some guest bloggers if you'd like to write a whole post about how you are using scholé in your homeschool this year!  Contact me and let me know how you are doing!

Teaching from Rest: A Homeschooler's Guide to Unshakable Peace
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Thursday, September 11, 2014

Conversational Latin? Yes, with Mango Languages!

Mango Language Homeschool e-Learning Software
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I was provided with this program to review and was compensated for my time.  All opinions are my own!

We are classical homeschoolers over here, and I know many of you are too.  That means that many of us are teaching Latin to our kids.  The biggest problem with learning Latin is that it is not very easy to get a feel for how the language sounds.  With other languages, you can watch a movie, visit the country it is spoken it, or even just hear it spoken in the grocery store, but with Latin being a dead language you can't do that.

When I heard about Mango Languages, I was excited because it is a program that teaches over 60 languages by having students listen to the spoken language and repeat it back.   At first, I figured that the dead languages wouldn't be a part of the program, but I was thrilled to find Latin, Greek, and even Hebrew!

Mango Languages for Homeschool

Mango Language Homeschool e-Learning Software

Mango Languages lets you be as hands on or hands off as you want to be.  Personally, I sat with my son each time he did a lesson because he is only 6 years old, but if you have older children they could easily do the program themselves, freeing you up from having to teach a subject!  My son really enjoyed doing each lesson, saying the words and combining them into sentences.

First, you pick your language.  Like I said, there are over 60 languages available and within each language there are even different course options and dialects to choose from.  I think that it is really neat that you don't have to stick to one language.  While it would be smart to focus on one, you are free to browse other languages.  What a neat way to familiarize yourself with what is out there.

Then you get started on your lesson!  Some courses have pre-tests and placement tests (Latin did not, but I think the more common languages do) to ensure you are doing the right lesson, and curriculum outlines for you, the parent.

Each lesson is guided by a voice that reads slides and instructs the student what to do.  I love how simple it is to follow.  At first I thought I was missing something because I didn't really need to navigate to start the second lesson, but then I realized that it just knew where I left off and took me right there.  It even keeps track of how many minutes you child has spent on their language lessons.  It's nice to see that, as visual proof that they have been working hard!

Mango Language Homeschool e-Learning Software

How Does Mango Help you Learn Another Language?

Mango Languages teaches in a really nice, no pressure, confidence building way.  For our Latin lessons, the speaker would read a sentence and we would try to read it back.  Then she would break apart each word or phrase and explain what it was and we would repeat it again.  Sometimes she would have us guess how to say something based on previous rules we had learned.  If we weren't sure, we would guess and then click the button to hear the right answer.  If we thought we knew it, but needed more time, we would just add time to the clock!  If we needed to hear a pronunciation again, no problem, just click the replay button.  It is completely your pace.

From time to time, a mini grammar lesson was interjected.  These were helpful and answered just the questions that were starting to come up in my mind.  There are also cultural incites, given at just the right moment.

Mango Language Homeschool e-Learning Software

In Latin, the word order in a sentence can often be mixed around.  That can make it confusing to figure out which word is which.  Mango solves this problem by color coding the words they show you.  If there is an English and a Latin sentence on the same screen, each word will be in a different color and the corresponding word in the other language will have the same color.  Neat!  Plus, if you hover over a word, it will show your the way to pronounce it and even give you the option to have it spoken.

I give it an A+ for being intuitive and easy to use.

Here is a little peek at how the lessons go.  My son was controlling the mouse, so forgive the slow navigation =)

Who should try Mango Languages?

Have I mentioned that you can try Mango Languages for free?!   You can also use discount code: HS5PM to get $5 off of your monthly rate.  Or if you are really lucky you can win a Kindle Fire with Mango already loaded onto it! (Enter the giveaway at the end of the post.)

So who should take advantage of these offers?

  • Parents, Mango is perfect for you if you want to understand the language your child is studying on their own.  It is also the perfect way to familiarize yourself with a language that you plan on teaching your child.

  •  Teenagers who want to study a language on their own, or maybe even try out a few!

  •  Moms who want one subject to be taken off of their plate, or who just don't feel qualified to teach a foreign language.

  • Younger students who want to hear what the fruit of their labor can accomplish and who want to be able to say sentences right away (not just random vocab).

  • Families with multiple students who want to learn different languages.  Mango has it all in one place and you can register up to 6 kids in their homeschool program!
  • Anyone who wants to learn ancient Greek or Hebrew in order to study the Bible more deeply.

  • Classical homeschoolers who want to be able to hear the dead languages spoken and increase their ability to read original works.

  • Anyone who is planning on traveling to a foreign country.  Mango has it all, including mini courses designed for specific purposes like medical terminology or food.

Definitely take advantage of the free trial or jump right in and use the discount code (HS5PM).  Mango Languages would make a great supplement to what you are already using, or would perfectly fill the language gap in your homeschool curriculum.

Keep up with Mango Language here:

Mango Languages Kindle Fire Giveaway

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