Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Trivium Tuesdays + McGuffey Copywork Giveaway

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Welcome to another week of Trivium Tuesdays!  For those of you who are new here today, this link-up is hosted by Living and Learning at Home (that's me!) and Classically Homeschooling and is aimed at encouraging and informing other homeschoolers who use the Classical model of teaching.  Here we can share with each other and learn from one another.

McGuffey Primer Copywork Giveaway

This week we're giving away a copy of my McGuffey Primer Copywork!

This week's giveaway is for a McGuffey Primer copywork book from Classical Copywork.  This is an 8.5 x 11" spiral bound copywork book, delivered right to your door!

Each page of this copywork book correlates with a lesson from the McGuffey Primer (1881 Edition).  The lines are 5/8in tall and the writing is in print.  See sample pages here.

Continental US residents only.  International entrants will be given an $8 credit to use on digital products at www.classicalcopywork.com instead of the physical book.

Do you have an item that you would like us to give away at Trivium Tuesdays?  Send me an email!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Featured Post from Last Week

I love this perspective (from Karen at Living, Unabridged) that focuses on the Who and the Why instead of the What and the How of classical education.  Head on over there, it is an excellent read!

This Week's Link-Up

Here are the rules:
  • Your post must have to do (in some way) with classical homeschooling (any age children).
  • Your post may be from your archives as long as you only post it one time on this link-up.
  • Please link to your direct post, not your blog in general.
  • Please link back to this post in some way. You can use my Trivium Tuesdays button (found on my right sidebar) if you'd like so others can learn about this link-up! Button code: <ahref="http://www.livingandlearningathome.com/search/label/Trivium%20Tuesdays" target="_blank" title="Trivium Tuesdays"><img alt="Living and Learning at Home" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg6y8pMMmK-PuaiwV-fmISajX_7Bd6HYHA-Y64a4HgIYpE7qH4_NGNb9i2qxBsRFEJTyVoF-_MQUjmItgwNxTr3KxC1OKNo-MnBEkxM89HSuSpsoGpYXfkg84eOhSCVnfxDbup3pbghuusI/s200/Trivium+Tuesdays+-+2016+Button.png"/></a>
  • It may be helpful to state in your link description what stage of the trivium or what subject your post is about, if applicable, so others can easily find posts they are interested in looking at.
  • Remember, everyone loves comments =) So don't be shy, and tell someone if you liked their post!

I reserve the right to remove any link-up that does not have to do with classical homeschooling.         

If you are a regular here at Trivium Tuesdays and have something to share that is a little off topic, but still would be an encouragement to the readers here, please still share it =)  I'm referring to people who are just trying to get their blog more exposure without following the rules above.

If you want to be reminded of this link-up each week, make sure to sign up below!

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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Trivium Tuesdays - Classical Link-Up #207

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Welcome to another week of Trivium Tuesdays!  For those of you who are new here today, this link-up is hosted by Living and Learning at Home (that's me!) and Classically Homeschooling and is aimed at encouraging and informing other homeschoolers who use the Classical model of teaching.  Here we can share with each other and learn from one another.

Congrats to Rada for winning last week's planner giveaway!  Stay tuned next week for another great giveaway!

Featured Post from Last Week

Welcome to newcomer Whoville Home who shared with us about one of her favorite curriculum choices, Writing With Ease!  Anyone else use this writing curriculum?  Any other favorites?

This Week's Link-Up

Here are the rules:
  • Your post must have to do (in some way) with classical homeschooling (any age children).
  • Your post may be from your archives as long as you only post it one time on this link-up.
  • Please link to your direct post, not your blog in general.
  • Please link back to this post in some way. You can use my Trivium Tuesdays button (found on my right sidebar) if you'd like so others can learn about this link-up! Button code: <ahref="http://www.livingandlearningathome.com/search/label/Trivium%20Tuesdays" target="_blank" title="Trivium Tuesdays"><img alt="Living and Learning at Home" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg6y8pMMmK-PuaiwV-fmISajX_7Bd6HYHA-Y64a4HgIYpE7qH4_NGNb9i2qxBsRFEJTyVoF-_MQUjmItgwNxTr3KxC1OKNo-MnBEkxM89HSuSpsoGpYXfkg84eOhSCVnfxDbup3pbghuusI/s200/Trivium+Tuesdays+-+2016+Button.png"/></a>
  • It may be helpful to state in your link description what stage of the trivium or what subject your post is about, if applicable, so others can easily find posts they are interested in looking at.
  • Remember, everyone loves comments =) So don't be shy, and tell someone if you liked their post!

I reserve the right to remove any link-up that does not have to do with classical homeschooling.         

If you are a regular here at Trivium Tuesdays and have something to share that is a little off topic, but still would be an encouragement to the readers here, please still share it =)  I'm referring to people who are just trying to get their blog more exposure without following the rules above.

If you want to be reminded of this link-up each week, make sure to sign up below!
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Friday, April 15, 2016

The 5 Elements of Classical Homeschooling

This post contains affiliate links. I received this course for the purpose of review. All opinions are my own.

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Are you well on your way planing what your homeschool will look like next year?  Can I share with you a great resource that might be really helpful?

Jennifer Dow, from Expanding Wisdom, has created a wonderful course that gets right to the heart of what classical education is and how you can be a more classical teacher.  It is called The 5 Elements of Classical Homeschooling.

From the website:

The 5 Elements of Classical Homeschooling is a self-paced online course for homeschooling parents to help you gain the skills, knowledge, and understanding you need to cultivate a vibrant homeschool consistent with the Christian Classical Liberal Arts Tradition.

What I loved most about going through this self-paced course is that it nourished my soul.  I loved this quote that she shared:

"At the heart of a classical teacher is the heart of a co-inquirer."

My story, as it relates to classical education, might be similar to yours.  Many years ago I did a web search about homeschooling and stumbled upon a classical homeschooling website.  I was intrigued and wanted to learn more.  I kept reading and learned about the trivium.  I learned about the importance of great literature, teaching history chronologically, and memorization.  I loved it! I thought I knew all I needed to know about the classical model of education.

I was so wrong.

Fast forward a few years and my educational world was rocked when I started hearing words like scholĂ© and contemplation.  Now my idea of classical education is filled with phrases like:

Truth, Goodness, & Beauty

Wisdom & Virtue

Multum Non Multa

Festina Lente

Nourishing Your Soul

Ordering Your Loves

I still love the things that I initially learned about classical education, but I love what I'm finding out now even more.  The difference now is that I know I am still learning.  In fact, we are all still rediscovering the classical model.

Jennifer Dow has been through training at the CiRCE institute and has put all of her learning, studying, and research together in one place for us to benefit from!

Jennifer introduces a whole slew of new (or should I say 'old') phrases and ideas for us to slowly wrap our minds around.

The course is very deep, but is also very practical.  She begins each (self-paced) module with a lesson, gives us points and ideas to reflect upon, and ends with practical applications for you to start on today!  

This is something you can go through and then go through again and again, understanding it more deeply each time.  I recommend going through the course slowly, actually taking time to write things down and think about the things that she asks you to think about.  Your brain and your soul are in for a treat!

The full version of this course, including access to forums, live chats, and more is $225.  Learn More or Enroll Now!


More features of the course:

  • - 90-page Downloadable Workbook
  • - Private course forum to ask questions, discuss ideas, and receive support.
  • - LIVE Monthly Q&A and Discussion
  • - MP3 Downloads of each lesson
  • - Introductory Module
  • - 5 Core Modules (One for each Element)
  • - Each Module includes a lesson, reflect section, and practice section
  • - Bonus Module (Course Downloads, Extra downloadable examples of Classical Teaching, and a Bonus Lesson: ‘Principles at Work in the Classical Homeschool’)
  • - Engaging lessons that explain how each element works and how to think about it.
  • - Thoughtful questions and challenges to deepen your understanding and experience with each element.
  • - Clear explanations and directions for how to practice each element.
  • - Classical Liberal Arts Year-at-a-Glance Chart for 1st – 12th grades
  • - A list of skills and big ideas to address in each grade from 1st-12th grades
  • - Copious tips, links, and resources for further study.

Not ready for the full course?  Jennifer now offers a Lite Edition of the course.  You get to work through the Introductory Module and Module 1 at your own pace, letting your get a feel for the entire course, and equipping you with a greater knowledge of the Classical Christian Liberal Arts Tradition. As a bonus, if you decide that you want the whole course, you will get a $100 off coupon!

The Lite Edition is just $37! Learn More or Enroll Now!

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Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Trivium Tuesdays + Planner Giveaway!

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Welcome to another week of Trivium Tuesdays!  For those of you who are new here today, this link-up is hosted by Living and Learning at Home (that's me!) and Classically Homeschooling and is aimed at encouraging and informing other homeschoolers who use the Classical model of teaching.  Here we can share with each other and learn from one another.

2016-2017 Homeschool and Day Planner Giveaway

This week we're giving away a copy of Sara's 2016-2017 Homeschool and Day Planner!

  homeschool & day planner Giveaway

The Homeschool and Day Planner tracks it all. No longer are there post-it notes lost all over the house. No more frantic searches through your purse for my latest shopping list. No more arguing with a child over their homeschool assignment only to discover… they were right. The Homeschool and Day Planner features:

  • Monthly Calendars
  • Weekly Calendars for tracking appointments and to-do's
  • Homeschool planning pages
  • Note pages for brain dumps, lists, and notes
  • Place for daily routines
  • Planning Pages
  • Address Pages

This is an 8.5 x 11" spiral bound planner, delivered right to your door.  A $29.95 value! Learn more about the 2016-2017 Homeschool and Day Planner!

  a Rafflecopter giveaway

Featured Post from Last Week

I believe so strongly in teaching phonics.  Stuffed Veggies shows how it's done, and how you don't even need a fancy curriculum to do it!

This Week's Link-Up

Here are the rules:
  • Your post must have to do (in some way) with classical homeschooling (any age children).
  • Your post may be from your archives as long as you only post it one time on this link-up.
  • Please link to your direct post, not your blog in general.
  • Please link back to this post in some way. You can use my Trivium Tuesdays button (found on my right sidebar) if you'd like so others can learn about this link-up! Button code: <ahref="http://www.livingandlearningathome.com/search/label/Trivium%20Tuesdays" target="_blank" title="Trivium Tuesdays"><img alt="Living and Learning at Home" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg6y8pMMmK-PuaiwV-fmISajX_7Bd6HYHA-Y64a4HgIYpE7qH4_NGNb9i2qxBsRFEJTyVoF-_MQUjmItgwNxTr3KxC1OKNo-MnBEkxM89HSuSpsoGpYXfkg84eOhSCVnfxDbup3pbghuusI/s200/Trivium+Tuesdays+-+2016+Button.png"/></a>
  • It may be helpful to state in your link description what stage of the trivium or what subject your post is about, if applicable, so others can easily find posts they are interested in looking at.
  • Remember, everyone loves comments =) So don't be shy, and tell someone if you liked their post!

I reserve the right to remove any link-up that does not have to do with classical homeschooling.         

If you are a regular here at Trivium Tuesdays and have something to share that is a little off topic, but still would be an encouragement to the readers here, please still share it =)  I'm referring to people who are just trying to get their blog more exposure without following the rules above.

If you want to be reminded of this link-up each week, make sure to sign up below!

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Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Trivium Tuesdays - Classical Link-Up #205

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Welcome to another week of Trivium Tuesdays!  For those of you who are new here today, this link-up is hosted by Living and Learning at Home (that's me!) and Classically Homeschooling and is aimed at encouraging and informing other homeschoolers who use the Classical model of teaching.  Here we can share with each other and learn from one another.

Congrats to Cassie M. for winning last week's giveaway!  If you did not win, you can still pick up your own Young at Art bag and help a child in need at the same time!  Then come back next week for another great giveaway!

Featured Post from Last Week

Last week Sara shared 3 Reasons Principles are Important.  She referenced watching Dr. Perrin's video about The Eight Essential Principles of Classical Education.  I highly recommend that video (and his others), so I had to feature it here!

This Week's Link-Up

Here are the rules:
  • Your post must have to do (in some way) with classical homeschooling (any age children).
  • Your post may be from your archives as long as you only post it one time on this link-up.
  • Please link to your direct post, not your blog in general.
  • Please link back to this post in some way. You can use my Trivium Tuesdays button (found on my right sidebar) if you'd like so others can learn about this link-up! Button code: <ahref="http://www.livingandlearningathome.com/search/label/Trivium%20Tuesdays" target="_blank" title="Trivium Tuesdays"><img alt="Living and Learning at Home" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg6y8pMMmK-PuaiwV-fmISajX_7Bd6HYHA-Y64a4HgIYpE7qH4_NGNb9i2qxBsRFEJTyVoF-_MQUjmItgwNxTr3KxC1OKNo-MnBEkxM89HSuSpsoGpYXfkg84eOhSCVnfxDbup3pbghuusI/s200/Trivium+Tuesdays+-+2016+Button.png"/></a>
  • It may be helpful to state in your link description what stage of the trivium or what subject your post is about, if applicable, so others can easily find posts they are interested in looking at.
  • Remember, everyone loves comments =) So don't be shy, and tell someone if you liked their post!

I reserve the right to remove any link-up that does not have to do with classical homeschooling.         

If you are a regular here at Trivium Tuesdays and have something to share that is a little off topic, but still would be an encouragement to the readers here, please still share it =)  I'm referring to people who are just trying to get their blog more exposure without following the rules above.

If you want to be reminded of this link-up each week, make sure to sign up below!
 photo SubscribeButton_zpsdc17ac56.png

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