Monday, December 17, 2012

How Grapevine Studies Saved Christmas

I am usually completely prepared for Christmas.  Now, I'm not talking about presents and parties, I'm talking about teaching my children about Christ's birth.  Typically we spend time each day celebrating Advent, learning how everything lead up just right to Jesus coming into the world.  Last year I made up ornaments and had readings and activities for each day.

This year I dropped the ball.

I don't know what my problem busyness, too much school work going on, laziness?  I don't know, but I can tell you that we haven't even lit one candle or done one reading this year.  It's not that we are not reading the Bible or worshiping Christ, because we are, but we are not continuing the memory-making tradition of advent.  Here's to hoping that it goes better next year!

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Traceable Birth of Christ?

When Jodi from Granola Mom 4 God told me about Grapevine Studies Birth of Christ study I was excited!  What is even more exciting is the new component of the study offing traceable stick figures!   If you are not familiar with Grapevine Studies, they offer Bible lessons for children of all ages and your children learn by drawing stick figures as they go!

If you have a preschooler, you have probably seen many drawings of 'stick people' that consist of a large circle with spokes coming out of it for arms and legs...and each figure looks exactly the same.  Hey, at least they are enjoying themselves, right?  What is great about this new Grapevine Birth of Christ study, is that your preschooler can trace already done stick figures while you are reading the Bible passage that goes along.  If you have older children, your preschooler will feel like they are fitting right in!

Even a toddler can 'trace' along!

My preschooler diligently tracing while he is listening.

Why I'm Loving these Traceable Figures

Lately I have been trying to think of something for my 4 year old son to do to help him focus while I read to him.  Reading aloud is a big part of what we do for school and I know he is capable of listening, but he is also a squiggly little boy.  I've heard some people advocate letting their children do something quietly (color, play with legos, etc.) while they listen to a story, but my son's mind would be off into another world if I let him do that.  I like the concept, but it wasn't quite right.  After using these Birth of Christ studies, I'm seeing the genius of drawing stick figures.

The pages are so simple, no distracting pictures or flashy words to take away from the Bible reading.  Tracing the stick figures takes great focus for a preschooler, keeping their mind from wandering to distant lands.  Also, what they are doing is on topic, reinforcing what they are hearing.  My son knows he is drawing Mary (or Joseph, or an angel, etc.) which keeps his wandering mind on the fact that we are reading about Mary (or Joseph, or an angel, etc.)

After we go through the whole lesson, there are review questions.  Instead of asking the question straight from the page, I have my son so back and look at each picture, read the caption, and tell the story back to me (building his skill of narration).  At his level, we are working on him telling the story back in complete sentences instead of fragments...or robot noises =)

There are seven lessons in this Birth of Christ study, so if you dropped the ball on Advent like I did, Grapevine Studies can save Christmas for you too!  This would be perfect to start sometime this week, leading right up to Christmas day!  Or if you have big advent readings and activities planned, you could have your child do these lessons while you read from the Bible on the appropriate days.

If you want to get started right away, you can get the Beginner level or the Multi-level for just $4.95!

If you have patience to wait a few days, enter the giveaway below to win a copy for yourself to use this Christmas!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I'd never used Grapevine studies before, but I'd love to try it with my children!

  2. So exciting to see the traceables working so well! I love the idea of having him retell you the section from the title and drawing - Great idea!

    1. Thanks! The kids are still really enjoying them!

  3. I'd love to win something of yours!! I think "leave a comment" should be worth 100! This sounds great!! How did you come across this?? Have you tried any other products? Thanks for sharing!

    1. Ha just need to join facebook...or something =)

      I heard about this from some other blogging friends. No, I have not used any of their other products. I believe they are working on making more of these traceable ones, which is perfect for my kids ages!

  4. Been looking at these studies for some time now. Would love to try one before I buy one!

  5. I have never used Grapevine Studies before, but I am intrigued! :)

  6. I have never used Grapevine Studies before, but I am intrigued! :)

  7. I have been wanting to duo several of their studies for awhile now, I love the concept of it and know my four little ones would love it!

  8. I have been wanting to duo several of their studies for awhile now, I love the concept of it and know my four little ones would love it!

  9. I have never used Grapevine before.


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