Friday, August 1, 2014

Homeschool for Free Gift Basket

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This post contains affiliate links to products I use and love!

I am excited today because I have a really great giveaway for you!  Included in this giveaway is pretty much everything you would need to homeschool your 1st-2nd grader.  These are resources (and methods) that I have used over the past few years and they are resources that have stood the test of time over a few hundred years!  Here is what is included:

Heritage History Young Reader's Collection - This collection of dozens of living history stories is perfect for any grammar stage history student!  I love printing these books out to read to my children.  The real reason why Heritage History is wonderful is that they take old, public domain stories and re-format them into beautiful ebooks.  If you've ever looked for public domain books, you know how important formatting is =)

Ray's New Primary Arithmetic - This awesome little book was written back in the 1870s and used to successfully educate students in many one-room schoolhouses.  This book covered 1st and 2nd grade material (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, along with other basic skills).  I have enjoyed using this book with my son and it has provided him with a great understanding of number sense.


McGuffey's First Reader - Another gem from the 1800s!  I love the McGuffey readers.  I use them to help teach my kids how to read, to work on reading out louds, comprehension, copywork, and more.  This book also covers 1st and 2nd grade material.

Copywork for McGuffey's First Reader - Speaking of copywork, I love copywork!  If you are not aware, I have another website where I offer copywork for every age, covering many topics.  Up until now I have offered only digital copywork packs, but now I am offering physical products as well!  This is a 63 page spiral-bound book of copywork, one page per lesson in McGuffey's First Reader.

 Primary Language Lessons - This is another book that I love.  It is a Charlotte Mason, gentle style language arts curriculum.  It also covers the 1st and 2nd grades, including topics like grammar, poetry memorization, recitation, dictation, and lots more!  My son and I have a great time sitting on the couch and reading through these lessons.


Poetry for Kids Copywork Pack - Another selection from Classical Copywork.  This one is over 100 pages, and correlates with the poetry selections from Primary Language Lessons.  Using copywork is a way to help memorize poetry.


 Among the Forest People -  This is a collection of sweet stories about animals that live in the forest.  They are so great because they teach about each animal and also teach lessons about good character.  I like to read them aloud to my kids, but a decent elementary aged reader could read them alone as well.


Waterproof Bible (ESV, New Testament/Psalms/Proverbs) - So much can be learned from the Bible!  In fact, I'm pretty sure you could it to create your entire curriciulum =)  And, yes, it really is waterproof!  My son likes to read his in the bathtub.  It is an awesome, kid-proof Bible.

So there you have it!  History, Math, Language Arts, Science/Nature, Bible, and more!  Everything you need to homeschool your 1st or 2nd grader this year!  (Oh, BTW the actual basket is not included =)  Make sure to enter the giveaway at the end of the post!

This gift basket was inspired by the chapter that I wrote for the new book Big Book of Homeschool Ideas.  The chapter is called Free Ebooks and Audiobooks and talks about all kinds of places to find curriculum and supplemental resources for your homeschool.  This basked is filled with resources that you can find digitally for free online, but for just a few dollars each you can have physical copies to use in your homeschool.  My goal through my chapter in the Big Book of Homeshool Ideas and this giveaway is to help you see how you can homeschool very frugally! 

Big Book of Homeschool Ideas

So do you want to know more about the Big Book of Homeschool Ideas?  This is a massive (561 page) ebook written by 55 ladies of the iHomeschool Network.  We cover 103 homeschool topics to help and inspire you, no matter what stage of homeschooling you are at!

This book covers everything from academic topics, to fun learning ideas like using LEGOs and teaching handicrafts!  This is a book you will turn to time and time again.  To learn more and see the full table of contents, check out the Big Book of Homeschool Ideas website.

What is neat is that when you purchase this book, you get three versions of it: pdf, mobi, and epubThat means that you can read it virtually anywhere!  Pull it up on your computer, you iphone, table, or wherever!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

And that isn't all!  27 other ladies from the iHomeschool Network also are giving away gift baskets this week!  Take a minute and go enter as many as you'd like.

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  1. Everything I have been wanting to get. It would be nice to win! Thanks!

  2. Looking at The Big Book of Homeschool Ideas table of contents, it looks like it has lots of information I need. Such as homeschooling elementary boys, history and geography resources and preparing a portfolio (just to name a few).

  3. I need to read how to motivate my middle schooler be more independent in his studies AND what to do with a child who HATES math.

  4. I've always wanted to look through some if these older resources. What a great giveaway! Thanks!

  5. There are a lot of wonderful ideas to use.

  6. First year homeschooling and daughter is going into first. Would love to win

  7. I need help with my six year old. He doesn't learn in the same way as my other children and I am struggling to teach him in a way he can recall and use.

  8. Teaching multiple ages has always been a challenge. That is the first place I would go!
    Elizabeth S

  9. The parts about homeschooling while pregnant and with preschoolers are the most relevant for me right now, but it all looks great! :)

  10. I'm most interested in learning to get your tween to work independently.

  11. What a great giveaway! Looking forward to reading the chapter on elementary age boys.

  12. Thanks for the giveaway! The working from home and homeschooling through a move are both topics that make my ears perk up.

  13. There are several topics in the book that I would love to be able to learn more about. The ones that stand out the most are homeschooling well on a tight budget, and how to better manage multiple ages. I have 4 kids and getting everyone on their own thing, and to stay motivated in really hard sometimes.

  14. This is such a great giveaway! I just started researching homeschooling and came across iHN within the last few weeks; this is such a great resource for homeschoolers!!!

  15. This would be a great help for my daughter. Thanks!

  16. A wonderful basket of books! Thank you for the opportunity to win them.

  17. I'm particularly interested in Homeschooling while teaching multiple ages.

  18. The whole books sounds interesting to me, especially the topics of a large family and multiple ages.

  19. I would love to try everything in the give-away, but particularly the Heritage History.

  20. Learning resources for special needs .. I am always on the look out for information to help my son not only learn, but retain information. Thanks for the opportunity!

  21. All the topics looks great! This book would definitely be helpful!

  22. Morning board activities as this seems to drive my day if kids excited!

  23. I'm always looking for tot tips while homeschooling elementary. Thanks for the chance.

  24. I'm always interested in reading how others homeschool and manage a large (or larger than average) family.

    Thanks for the chance!

  25. I have an old McGuffy reader, and this looks like it would complete my set!

  26. The first topics I would read about would be teaching on the road, managing a large family, and LEGOs :)

  27. the help i need is with middleschoolers and math!

  28. everything looks interesting but I'd like to read about homeschooling multiple ages

  29. everything looks interesting but I would like to read about homeschooling multiple ages

  30. teaching multiple ages for sure

  31. Thanks for the giveaway!!! The Waterproof Bible looks Awesome!!!

  32. Last year I was pregnant and needed my teen to work independently on his math, which he doesn't like. All those are covered ;) great!

  33. I am most interested in making play my preschool because I always want learning to be fun and show my son he can learn any where, not just while sitting down doing work!

  34. One day I'll win one of your prizes! LOL!!!

  35. I'd love to read and learn about teaching children with sensory issues!

  36. I would like many topics, but I think homeschooling on a tight budget is the most needed.

  37. How can I encourage my tweens and teens to be more independent learners? That's the topic I'm interested in learning more about.

  38. How to keep infants/toddlers busy while homeschooling!!

  39. Active learning, learning with video games :0), and learning with Lego bricks! Wow, that has my boys written all over it

  40. Lots!! Teaching with Legos, Geography Quests, Tweens....

  41. I think the ideas about creative learning and large family homeschooling sound great.

  42. I'm really interested in teaching multiple ages. This is only our second year. :/

  43. I'm interested in learning how to homeschool multiple ages and keeping little ones busy while homeschooling!

  44. Keeping a toddler busy while teaching older children ;0)

  45. Teaching multiple ages would be very interesting for my family to learn more about before starting the school year.

  46. Games: Playful learning sounds most interesting to me!

  47. Nature Study and Homeschooling While Pregnant look most interesting to me.

  48. The chapters on genealogy for kids, teaching sewing and handicrafts, how to create a co-op, the benefits of keeping a yearbook, and how to start a homeschool book club look very interesting.

  49. I want to check out the learning from lego chapter

  50. This is a wonderful basket - I have a first grader! :) I love the concept of the waterproof Bible and being able to see and possibly use what was used in the 1800s for school!

  51. Teaching Multiple ages sounds like something I need to read.

  52. thanks for putting this together!!! Hope we win!

  53. The foreign language section sounds interesting!

  54. I am interested in teaching multiple ages and while pregnant.

  55. Very nice gift

  56. I'm most interested in reading about homeschooling while pregnant and while managing a large family,

  57. Lots of great topics but most interested in managing multiple ages. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  58. It looks great! I could use info on large family, multiple ages and teens being more independent! Thank you!

  59. I will have a 1st grader this year. Perfect!

  60. The topics that most interest me are teaching multiple age children and managing large families. Thank you!

  61. I would like to see the stuff on active learning and learning with Legos

  62. Teaching multiple ages is something I could use a bit of help with. I have a third grader, first grader, and one doing pre-K.
    Also, I am seeing this Bible everywhere. I am going to have to get three for my kiddos soon.

  63. Transitioning to Middle School sounds helpful

  64. All the topics look great. I would love to read about homeschooling through deployments. I have done it, and I will be doing it again.

  65. I am interested in reading most of the topics but especially about homeschooling multiple ages and all about preschoolers.

  66. Homeschooling elementary boys would probably be the first chapter I read!

  67. I love that some of these resources are from the 1800s. I would love to win these amazing books.

  68. Working at home while homeschooling is a topic I would like to know more about. I want to start a blog, but am not sure how to work it in time wise.

  69. Most interested in McGuffey's reading primer and other homeschooling tips. Starting to homeschool my three year old along with my fiddling twins. It will be an exciting adventure for everyone involved. I really appreciate blogs with free homeschooling ideas because this is all new to us. So many creative ideas shared for free, truly a blessing. Thank you.

  70. Most interested in McGuffey's reading primer and other homeschooling tips. Starting to homeschool my three year old along with my fiddling twins. It will be an exciting adventure for everyone involved. I really appreciate blogs with free homeschooling ideas because this is all new to us. So many creative ideas shared for free, truly a blessing. Thank you.

  71. These look awesome. I have 2 boys that we will be homeschooling.

  72. Keeping Babies and Toddlers Occupied while Homeschooling!

  73. I would like to know more about preschool education ideas! thanks

  74. This is a perfect set for our family.

  75. How to manage multiple ages for sure!

  76. The topic: How can I make geography practical and fun? sounds right up my alley. We've been sorely lacking in geography.

  77. This is such a wonderful gift basket! We would certainly put this to good use.

  78. I love the idea of homeschooling with legos!

  79. Tips for Teaching Handwriting

  80. Balancing the toddler....


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