Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Trivium Tuesdays + Lessons From Aesop Copywork Giveaway

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Welcome to another week of Trivium Tuesdays!  For those of you who are new here today, this link-up is hosted by Living and Learning at Home (that's me!) and Classically Homeschooling and is aimed at encouraging and informing other homeschoolers who use the Classical model of teaching.  Here we can share with each other and learn from one another.

Lessons from Aesop Copywork Giveaway

Congrats to  the winner of last week's giveaway (look for an email soon)!  If you did not win, you can still get Your Morning Basket and until February 21st you can get a free Listener Guide with your order!  The Listener Guide is a great accompaniment to the Your Morning Basket podcast.  The Listener Guide includes: Show Notes Links, Key Takeaways from the Show, Action Steps for You, Inspiring Quotes from the Show, and more!

This week, the giveaway is for Lessons from Aesop - Elementary Copywork.  This copywork book, from Classical Copywork, includes the morals for each of the fables in Aesop for Children.  The winner will receive this 147 page, physical copywork book delivered right to your door!

Are you enjoying this month of giveaways?  If this is something you want to continue seeing, let us know!  If you have a product you would like to donate to this giveaway, send me an email.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Featured Post from Last Week

I was nodding right along with this one! If you find yourself paying a lot of fees at your library (or avoiding your library all together because of the thought of fees), check out these great tips from Learning Mama!

This Week's Link-Up

Here are the rules:
  • Your post must have to do (in some way) with classical homeschooling (any age children).
  • Your post may be from your archives as long as you only post it one time on this link-up.
  • Please link to your direct post, not your blog in general.
  • Please link back to this post in some way. You can use my Trivium Tuesdays button (found on my right sidebar) if you'd like so others can learn about this link-up! Button code: <ahref="http://www.livingandlearningathome.com/search/label/Trivium%20Tuesdays" target="_blank" title="Trivium Tuesdays"><img alt="Living and Learning at Home" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg6y8pMMmK-PuaiwV-fmISajX_7Bd6HYHA-Y64a4HgIYpE7qH4_NGNb9i2qxBsRFEJTyVoF-_MQUjmItgwNxTr3KxC1OKNo-MnBEkxM89HSuSpsoGpYXfkg84eOhSCVnfxDbup3pbghuusI/s200/Trivium+Tuesdays+-+2016+Button.png"/></a>
  • It may be helpful to state in your link description what stage of the trivium or what subject your post is about, if applicable, so others can easily find posts they are interested in looking at.
  • Remember, everyone loves comments =) So don't be shy, and tell someone if you liked their post!

I reserve the right to remove any link-up that does not have to do with classical homeschooling.         

If you are a regular here at Trivium Tuesdays and have something to share that is a little off topic, but still would be an encouragement to the readers here, please still share it =)  I'm referring to people who are just trying to get their blog more exposure without following the rules above.

If you want to be reminded of this link-up each week, make sure to sign up below!
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  1. Yes, I do use copywork..with both my elementary and high school student.

  2. We use copywork in our homeschool -- my oldest does it both with her penmanship (HWWT) and writing program (Writing With Ease). My kinder student is so far copying her name, letters, and a few words. We'll get there eventually!

    Thanks so much for featuring my post :)

  3. I use copywork with both my children,using Writing With Ease.

  4. Thanks again for the link up, Amy.

  5. Copywork is somethign I'd like to incorporate in our homeschool this year. We've only dabbled in it to this point.

  6. Thank you so much for this. My son although he can't read well will enjoy it

  7. Thank you for giving me this chance to use something that will encourage my son.

  8. Thank you to everyone who entered!

    Congrats to Alison W for winning!


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