Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Classical Education Round-Up October 2016

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Hello friends! Welcome to the first month of the new, revamped Trivium Tuesdays!

My goal here is to share a collection of great resources from the internet (blog posts, videos, podcasts, articles, etc.) that pertain to classical education.  I will post a new roundup on the first Tuesday of each month and then you can add to the list as the month goes on.

Feel free to link up posts that you have written as well as any other helpful resources you find!

Simply Convivial - Classical Preschool

This is a great post written by Mystie where she asks the question: What would a classical preschool look like? She then goes on to answer that question drawing from the book The Great Tradition by Richard Gamble, specifically looking into what first century philosopher Quintilian had to say on the matter.

A few years ago I wrote a series on how we approached the idea of a classical preschool in my home.  If this topic is relavent to you, you might want to check it out too!

CiRCE Institute Podcase - Pride and Prejudice Book Club 

I love the CiRCE Institute Podcast!  Some episodes interest me more than others, but overall I have learned so much and have been so encouraged by these podcasts.  I recently decided that I would read Pride and Prejudice (I've never read it before!) and then I noticed that the Close Reads segment of the podcast was going to start discussing it.  Perfect timing and it will be good accountability for me!  Does anyone else want to read along with me?  We could discuss it here on the blog or on facebook or something like that.  If you are interested, let me know!

Authors on the Line - Captured by God's Beauty 

Here is another podcast for you.  I don't think that the podcast is being added to anymore, but I came across this gem from about 3 yrs ago that is definitely worth listening to!

In our classical circles lately we are frequently talking about Truth, Goodness, and Beauty.  As a Christian, I always want to make sure that what I am learning squares up with what the Bible teaches.  Of course there is no doubt that the Bible wants us to surround ourselves with Truth and Goodness, but what about Beauty?  This podcast episode is all about Jonathan Edwards' view of God and beauty.
I am always so prone to drift toward the black and white, pragmatic, efficient way of life, that it is always really good for me to be reminded of the worthiness of beauty.

This podcast interviews Michael McClymond  author of The Theology of Jonathan Edwards, focusing on his theological emphasis of beauty.

Classical Consortium

How about a little winter trip to refresh, encourage, and inspire you?  This looks amazing! Andrew Kern, Christpoher Perrin, Andrew Pudewa, and other great classical minds are coming together for a weekend conference!  It's kind of like when I went to the Great Homeschool conference and tried to make it to as many classical education themed sessions as possible, but ALL CLASSICAL, ALL THE TIME.  

How is that to get you going this month?  Now it's your turn!  

Link up any great articles, podcasts, videos, blog posts etc. that you come across this month, as well as any classical education related posts you have written on your own blog!

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  1. You haven't read Pride & Prejudice?! I'll pretend that you didn't say that ;)

    I'll be listening along to the Circe podcast too!

    1. Eek! I know, right?!? Give me a month and we will forget the whole thing ;)

  2. Thanks for the links above, Amy. Enjoy P&P!


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