Friday, May 13, 2011

Welcome Back, Farmers Market!

The Mount Clemens Farmers Market opened again for the season last week.  I went with the kids last year a few times in the fall and really enjoyed it, so I have been excited for it to start this spring so we can take advantage of all the season's bounty.  I just love the idea of supporting our local economy in this way!

I took the kids there first thing this morning to see what would be available this early in the growing season.  The vendors mostly had plants for sale: flowers, vegetables, and herbs.  We don't have any land, and our balcony only has limited early morning sun, so I've come to terms with having to wait to grow anything until, Lord willing, we own a home one day. 

I was excited to see the honey lady!  I tried to guess at the end of last season how much I would need to buy to last us through the winter, but I underestimated =(

Pretty much the only food that is already being harvested is spinach, so I picked up a lovely bunch to use in our smoothies.

I came home with 3lbs of raw honey and one exceptionally large bunch of spinach.

Doesn't that just look fantastic?!?

Happy Living!

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