Wednesday, August 3, 2011

End of the Year Evaluation - 2 yr old school year

It's August now, and that means that a brand new year of school is about to begin.  I love to have clean notebooks and sharpened pencils and of course a new planner for the year, but before I get too far ahead of myself, I want to take a moment and look back to see if we accomplished what I hoped to this year.  A few months ago, I did a mid-year review evaluating where we were in the goals I had set for Trevor at the beginning of the year and at that time I amended some of my goals.  Now that the year is over, I'd like to check in again to see where we are at.

To review, here were the amended goals I set when I did a mid-year review:

  • Be able to count to 25
  • Be able to count items up to 25
  • Be able to recognize and say the sound(s) of all uppercase and lowercase letters
  • Continue learning new colors and shapes
  • I may start having him trace lines for early writing work
  • I may start having him "build" letters out of cut out lines and curves

End of the year check -up

  • He can count easily to 20, and with help to 30
  • He can count items as high as he can count and with help a little higher
  • He knows all his letters (uppercase and lowercase) visually and knows what sounds they make 
  • We did not specifically focus any more teaching on colors or shapes, but talk about new ones if they come up
  • He practices building letters and tracing lines used for writing letters
  • He can write the letters A, C, E, H, I, L, O, Q, and T (of course, not perfectly or beautifully!)
  • We have also started other types of things like Bible memory, listening to chapter books, music time, etc.
First, let me admit that I did not follow through on the curriculum we started the year with.  I was just board with what we were doing.  The curriculum was good at the beginning of the year, but  it was just too simple by the end of the year.  A few weeks ago, in this post, I explained what we have been doing this summer.

In the next few days I hope to post what my goals are for his 3 yr old school year.  So far I've never been accurate to what we actually accomplish (he usually blows me away with how much more he is able to learn!), but I like having benchmarks to base my lesson plans on and also to be able to look back on to see where we've been.

To my homeschooling friends, how did you like what you did last year?  Did you accomplish what you set out to teach?  Do you have any particular books or plans that you loved and can recommend?

Happy Learning!


  1. Amy,
    You are such a good mommy and teacher! When my kids are 4 and 5 years old I use the My Fathers World Kindergarten program ( We borrowed a ton of library books that went along with the letter and the cooresponding object, animal or insect of the week. It was such a great time that I've continued doing that with all the other kids when they became that age. My kids also loved the Leap Frog Letter Factory video (theres a ton more out now too). Oh and the kids loved the bean box at that age (a larger plastic tub, with a lid, filled with dried beans or rice with hidden letters, small toys and put small cups/spoons in it to find and play with).
    I so enjoy when the kids are little. Even though they are a ton of work, they grow up sooooo fast!

  2. Jen, first...I didn't know you had a blog! You are a fantastic writer. I'm definitely going to have to take time to read more of what you've written.

    I've heard lots of good things about My Fathers World. I'm just always hesitant about subscribing to a pre-done curriculum...maybe it's just a little bit of a controlling spirit in me that I ought to work on =) Thanks for all the ideas. A bean box sounds like fun! I'm going to need things to keep the little one busy as I start to spend more time schooling Trevor.


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