Monday, October 10, 2011

Good Books Copywork - me, do, and, go

I have put together copywork pages that I will be using with Trevor this year.  Now that he has learned how to pronounce each letter plus phonograms 1-45 in The Writing Road to Reading and also is familiar with how to write each letter (uppercase much better than lowercase), we are moving onto spelling.  These sheets are a great way practice the daily spelling word, gain greater proficiency in writing letters, and start to learn basic sentence structure (capital letter in the front, lowercase almost everywhere else, punctuation at the end, space between words, etc.)

These sheets are a marriage of two resources, The Writing Road to Reading and the 1000 Good Books  list at Classical Christian Homeschooling.  The spelling words are taken in order from the Writing Road to Reading and I have paired each one with a sentence from one of the books on the 1000 Good Books list.

We started with our first spelling word and copywork sheet today.  This is what it looked like when he was finished =)

Like I said earlier, we have spent most of our time on uppercase letters, so I am excited for him to have these opportunities to practice his lowercase writing.  The first two 'me' words that he wrote were with his left hand (oops!) so they look especially rough =)  Then daddy took over supervising (while I had to change a diaper) the last word, and it got a little off track...oh well =)

If you would like to download these pages for your own use, please feel free!  I just have the first four pages available now and I will add the rest each week as we get to them.  The words in this pack are me, do, and, & go.  Click here to download.  Like my last download, GoogleDocs seems to be changing the font, but once you actually download the PDF to your computer, it should come up right.  If not, please send me an email and I will get the sheets to you!

Happy Writing!

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Growing Home


  1. Isn't is fabulous how we have the opportunity to take charge of our children's learning? Kudos to you for seizing the moment!

    (visiting from Raising Homemakers' Homemaking Link-Up)

  2. Yes, and the responsibility, really. Love it! Thanks so much for visiting and commenting =)


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