Friday, March 2, 2012

February Recap

Well, February flew by, didn't it?!?  I am thankful for all the seasons that God blesses us with, but I am extra excited to think that spring is right around the corner!  On the blogging front, here is the recap of the month thanking the top three sites that referred visitors to Living and Learning at Home, highlighting the three most popular posts on this site (in case you missed one!), and my favorite post from another blog.  I hope you enjoy!

Top 3 Referring Sites:
  1. Preschool Powol Packets (Teach Me Tuesday Link-Up)
  2. Homeschool Creations (Preschool Corner Link-Up)
  3. Serenity You (Featured on 52 Weeks of You)

Top 3 Posts Here at Living and Learning at Home:
  1. Paper Hats and Cute Corner Bookmarks (#1 again! Thank you Pinterest =)
  2. Science Activity - Melting Snow
  3. Marshmallow Snowflakes
If you happened to miss any of these posts, takes a minute to check them out!  I hope you won't be disappointed =)

Featured Blog Post:

This month my favorite post was Rhythm and Movement over at Train Up a Child.  The post highlights ways that you can help your child with their fine motor skills, coordination, rhythm, and more!  All you need are a set of sticks.  We have two sticks that go with our musical instrument set so Trevor used those, and I grabbed two mis-matched sticks that we use to prop up our windows =)  So, grab anything you've got and give this a try!  Trevor couldn't get enough of this.  Some of the suggestions were easy for him, while others proved quite challenging.  The post gives about two dozen different movements/actions to do with the sticks, and I'm sure they will inspire you come up with more ideas of your own!  Writing this is making me want to do this to get my son and some sticks =)

I hope you had a ....Happy February!

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  1. Thanks so much for mentioning Serenity You was very happy to have you over!!!!

    Natasha xxxx

  2. Thank you for the feature. I'm glad you loved the ideas!


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