Thursday, April 5, 2012

March Recap

I can not believe that it is April already! Where did March go?  Looking back, I was a little slow on the blogging front...sorry about that =)  I am grateful for each and every one of you who takes the time to come and read!  I am also grateful for other websites who direct others to this blog.  On that note, here is the February recap!

Top 3 Referring Sites:
  1. Pinterest
  2. No Time for Flashcards  
  3. Homeschool Creations
I normally skip over sites that are not personal blogs when I'm noting my top referring sites, but this time I wanted to include Pinterest.  If you have a blog and do not yet utilize Pinterest, I encourage you to get on it right away!  Add a pin-it button to each of your posts and soon you'll people pining your work (make sure you have a picture on each of your posts!)  Then people will re-pin their pin and so on and so forth.  It's a really neat thing!

Top 3 Posts Here at Living and Learning at Home:

  1. Paper Hats and Cute Corner Bookmarks
  2. Five in a Row - The Story About Ping
  3. Reading and Writing in Action

#1 is a testament to what I said about Pinterest.  It has been my most visited post since the day I wrote it!  Now if only I could come up with another post idea like that one....  ;)   Anyways,  if you missed any of these posts, take a minute to check them out!

Featured Blog Post:

This month, my favorite post was The Why and How of History in My Home from Homeschooling While Living the Life of Easier.  This post piqued my interest because I have been thinking about school for next year and history is something that I want to start.  This post details what I would love our history studies to look like, so it was great encouragement to read that it works for another family.  Check it out!  What do you think?  Does your history study look anything like theirs?

Hope you had a...Happy March!

Pin It


  1. Amy, Thanks for the feature. I'm honored to have inspired you.

    1. You are very welcome! I hope some others will be encouraged by you too.


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