I am happy to be bringing you this information from my sponsor, Great Homeschool Conventions.

Great Homeschool Conventions has just announced Michael Medved as a speaker at all three conventions in 2014 and at the Texas convention in early 2015! Michael is a homeschool advocate and has a popular radio show across the U.S.
Michael is offering his popular Thanksgiving history audio download for free to anyone who subscribes! About the program:
Who were the people of the Plymouth Colony and why did they hold a feast of celebration in 1621 which we now call the first Thanksgiving? How did they manage that first winter in the wilderness? Why are these few settlers in New England held in such high esteem today when they considered their accomplishments all to be failures? And, what about those Puritans? Do they deserve the grim image history has given them? Learn the answers to these questions and more in this special Thanksgiving Day holiday history program. (2hr. 46 min.)
Sign up to receive The First Thanksgiving - Pilgrims, Puritans, and the Founding of America.
Early bird registration for the South Carolina and Ohio conventions has been extended through Nov. 30, 2013! Registration prices will begin to increase on Dec. 1, 2013.
If you haven't bought your tickets yet, now is the time! Just click the picture below to go to the Great Homeschool Conventions website to register!
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