Friday, December 13, 2013

Classical Mamas Read - Teaching the Trivium - Introduction and Giveaway!

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I am so excited to announce that we are starting back up the Classical Mamas Read series, and that our new book will be Teaching the Trivium by Harvey and Laurie Bluedorn.

This is a book that has been on my 'must-read' list for a while now, and NOW is the time to finally dive in!

What is Teaching the Trivium About?

Teaching the Trivium seeks to answer the following questions:

  • How can you give your children the tools they need to teach themselves?
  • Can you homeschool in a classical style without compromising your Christian principles?
  •  Can you homeschool in a classical style without buckling under the burden?
  • Is homeschooling about renewing family vision?

And from the preface:

In this book, we lay down a spiritual and philosophical foundation and a practical program for Christian Homeschooling in a classical style.  We can't fill in all of the details to satisfy every situation.  Instead, we give our principles and suggestions, and we guide to the sources.  Our emphasis is communicating the picture and encouraging the practice.

How many of you have read this book?  


How many of you would like to read along with me?  


How many of you would like to win your very own copy of Teaching the Trivium?

The Bluedorns have graciously provided me with FIVE copies of Teaching the Trivium to give to YOU so that you can participate in this book club!  Yeah!

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  1. I have not read this book and I've wanted to for a long time.

  2. I remember flipping through the book when TJ was small but don't really remember much about it (except it's size!).

  3. I have not read this book but started out homeschooling over 8 years ago with Classical Education (The Well Trained Mind) as my guide. I am always interested in reading more about using this style of education.

  4. I have not read this book. But I started out homeschooling over 8 years ago with a Classical Education as my foundation. (The Well Trained Mind as my guide) I am always interested in reading more about this style of education.

  5. I have not read it but really want to. We are new homeschoolers looking to follow a classical model. Thanks!

  6. I recently purchased this book but have yet to read it. I would LOVE to read along with you and others. With how much I have on my plate I believe being part of a "book club" and having a place to discuss the book with others would give me the umph to read this book. :-) I have not looked at any past readings but I'd love to read The Well Educated Mind with others too.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I have been wanting to read this book for a while but my library doesn't carry it. :( It looks fabulous!

  9. Never read it, but always wanted!

  10. I have not read it, but it sure sounds good!

  11. I have never read it, but it has been on my wish list!

  12. I'm just beginning my research on homeschooling with a classical curriculum. I haven't read the book, but it's on my list.

  13. I haven't read the Bluedorn's book, though I've visited their website quite a lot. I've been exploring trivium methods of education for quite some time and, by osmosis, some of those approaches are finding their way into my thinking and facilitating with children.

    It is possible that others reading here might also be interested in this presentation given by the Bluedorn's in 2012. Titled: Teaching the Trivium: Introduction to the Trivium

  14. I have not read the book but would love to read it now and join in on the discussion!

  15. I have not read the book. Have had the pleasure of hearing the Bluedorns at a couple of homeschool conferences. Think it'd be great to be a part of this discussion. thanks for offering this giveaway.

  16. I have not read the book. Have had the pleasure of hearing the Bluedorns at a couple of homeschool conferences. Think it'd be great to be a part of this discussion. thanks for offering this giveaway.

  17. I've read parts of it, but not all of it.

  18. Second year homeschooling! I've been looking into buying this book but just haven't yet.

  19. I have not read the book _yet_, but this is on my "want and wish" list. I read a lot about it in publications like "Seasons At Home". :-)
    ~Ilka W.J.

  20. I have only read excerpts from the book, but I've wanted to read it for some time. I would like to win.


  21. I have not yet read Teaching The Trivium....I look forward to it!.

  22. I have not yet read Teaching The Trivium...I look forward to it!

  23. I haven't read it, but am trying to learn more now about classical education and it seems like it would be a great resource!

  24. I haven't read it yet, but I am interested in learning more about classical education and this looks like a great resource!

  25. I have not read this book but would love to...thanks for the chance to win!

  26. This has been on my "want to read" list for a while! I recently read Training A Well Trained Mind and am ALMOST convinced classical education is for us. I'd love to learn more about this approach! Thanks for the opportunity!

  27. Yes! It was the first homeschooling book I read. I borrowed it from a friend and would love to have a desk copy for my own references. :) Thanks for hosting this great giveaway!

  28. I skimmed a library copy years ago, but would love one of my own to read!

  29. Not entering the giveaway, because I just bought this book! I'm excited that you're starting this series!!

    1. Great timing! Looking forward to discussing it with you!

  30. Too late to enter the giveaway, but just wanted to comment that I own and have read this book, portions of it several times, and I think it is a very helpful resource for classical ed! I hope you like it! :)

    1. Thank you! I hope you will join the discussion when you can! I just finished writing the post for Friday and am looking forward to the discussion =)


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