Saturday, July 9, 2011

Our (Not So) Summer Break

At first I had every intention of continuing preschool with Trevor this summer.  I figured, why not? it only takes a little while every other day or so.  Then I realized how completely bored I was with what we were doing, so I was very unmotivated to prepare for the days lesson.  That is when we stopped.  But then Trevor kept asking to "do school."  I tried to give him fun things to do on the floor (think games, sorting and counting things, etc.), but that didn't satisfy him, he would say "No! On the table with papers!"

I have been hard at work putting together my lesson plans for the start of this coming school year, so I thought, why not just start with some of that stuff.  Breaking from the plan makes me nervous =) so I had to come to terms in my brain that starting early and not doing everything in exactly the same order as I had planned was going to be ok.  So this is what we have been doing....

Floor Time: we do this first thing in the morning after breakfast
  • Changing the calendar pieces
  • Bible memory verse (this past week was Genesis 1:1)
  • Singing (nothing in particular, we take turns picking songs)
  • Reading (we've started Alice in Wonderland)

Chores (around 9:00am)
Room Time (Trevor and Mackenzie play together for about 45 minutes)
TV Time (Trevor loves Word World)

Writing or Math (around 10:30am when Mackenzie is napping)
  • Trace and Build Pages
  • Handwriting Worksheets (from Confessions of a Homeschooler)
  • Counting groups of 10 (using craft stones Trevor found in a box) in preparation for learning to count to 100
  • Skip Count song (I'll have to write a post on this one =)
  • Counting the money he learns from doing his chores

We don't do this every day, but I'd like to try to work up to that.  Trevor and I both function better on a schedule, so when we don't do school I usually feel like we are both floundering a bit!  There are a few other elements that I want to include for the start of the school year, so maybe we will slowly start incorporating more of those things too.

For those of you who homeschool, do you school all year round (maybe taking small breaks more frequently throughout the year), or do you take a long summer break like the public schools do?

Happy Learning!

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