Monday, January 9, 2012

Lesson Plan Week 11

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Posts Detailing Activities from this Week:

Doesn't it seem like whenever you feel like you are doing something well, you realize that you are neglecting something else?  I've definitely realized, probably since I get married 7 years ago, that I am only capable of so much but it still frustrates me =)  If we are doing well keeping up with the school schedule, I look around and see that the house is a mess!  If the children are doing well with their attitudes and obedience, I realize that I'm not ready and prepared for dinner that night.  Those are just examples, but I'm sure that you know what I'm talking about.  I've learned that it is ok to say 'No' to outside requests, and we say 'No' a lot!  But I still wish I could get everything together at the same time at home.  I can only hope that as the years go on, Lord willing, I will learn to be better =)

Currently we are focusing on being more purposeful about limiting TV time for Trevor, which is hard when we are the ones that want it sometimes in the evening.  I also need to remember to have the kids to their chores each day.  Sometimes we remember, sometimes we don't, but I'd like to work on that!

Well, that was just a mish-mosh of stuff today, but that's what we're working on around here =)  What are you up to this week either in your home or school?

Happy Learning!

I'm linked up at:

Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers


  1. I can certainly understand those feelings. Right now, I'm doing pretty well in the school/kids/parents areas, but it seems like forever since I've been caught up on dishes & laundry.

  2. Exactly! It's hard to give everything 100%! There's always something that needs to wait or doesn't get done as thoroughly as it should (like cleaning the bathroom here Ha! Ha! LOL). We do what we can though, right, and keep striving?

    I love how you did your assignments. What program do you use? And it's nice to see that we're not the only ones still working on Christmas Thank Yous. The kids have written THEIR part, but husband and I need to do ours.

    1. Do you just mean what I use to create the chart above? It's just in excel. For the purpose of the pic for the blog, I copy a week and paste it into Paint and crop it. I'm super techie, I know ;) I'd be happy to email you the template of the chart I've created if you want it.

      If I've completely misunderstood your question, let me know and I'll try again =)

  3. Yep, when I'm focusing on doing school well the laundry/house tends to not be as orderly. II think that's ok. Things ebb and flow like that for a seaaon.

  4. I completely understand. My house has been struggling for a long time now. I have already told my husband that I will be cleaning the house next weekend and he will be in charge of the boys. I just can't stand it anymore.

  5. Thanks so much for the comments, ladies! It's nice to know I'm not alone =) It's like sometime I know the answer is right (that not everything has to be perfect), but it's still hard to be ok with it! I guess we can all just strive to love the season of life we are in and look distantly forward to a time when our homes will be clean again lol

  6. It is really hard to get that balance isn't it? It helped me a lot when I started expecting the children to do chores too. IT was unbelievable how much difference that meant. You will find a balance eventually.

    1. Chef Penny, I totally agree about the chores. We are actively working on that, but with a 3 and 1 year old, it's often still more work letting them help/learn than it would be to do it myself (though it's getting better all the time =) but I do see the light coming where all this work will lead to a pay of in the chores department! Thank you for the comment and encouragement that the training is worth it!


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