Monday, February 17, 2014

Ultimate Typing - The Easy and Effective Way for Typing Fast

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Do your children need to learn to type or improve their typing skills?  Ultimate Typing might be just what you need!  Thank you to Ultimate Typing for wanting to share with us today!

Ultimate Typing™ is a touch typing tutor that lets you improve your typing skills quickly and without the often repetitive and boring efforts required by other systems. It has been designed by touch typing experts so every feature of it is carefully created to facilitate learning. The software was developed by eReflect, an educational software company, whose design team has built Ultimate Typing™ incorporating the latest technology to help people master their keyboarding skills fast.

A "Personal Tutor" Approach 

Ultimate Typing™ is more than simply a typing software program, it's a personal tutor program that offers guidance, help, and recommendations as you practice to ensure your learning is progressing. The software features high quality video tutorials in which your personal tutor explains typing theory before you are prompted to put it into practice.

Progress Monitoring 

Your typing practice is monitored by an activity tracking tool, which recommends new milestones based on your performance. The system also encourages you to practice further on certain aspects of keyboarding if the tracking tool notices that you are progressing in some areas more than others. This sort of progress tracking is what lets any typist develop balanced typing skills and excel both in typing speed and accuracy.

Personalized Learning 

Ultimate Typing™ is not a rigidly structured software system that uses a "one size fits all" approach. Instead, it is fully customizable, allowing it to meet your individual typing needs, regardless of your previous knowledge or typing level. Its technology permits you to set typing milestones and then uses your input to help you focus on different aspects of typing. The more you practice, the more accurately the software offers feedback and adjusts your training accordingly. This is especially helpful for younger users or beginner typists who can benefit a lot more from a tailored typing practice. However, experienced users will appreciate the flexibility of the exercises in the higher levels.

This personalized approach is a feature that respects each typist’s individual learning style and pace, making any user quickly comfortable with the system, and encouraging them to work on their weaknesses before moving on to more advanced touch typing practice.

Combines Typing Skills and New Knowledge 

An innovative feature of the system is the way it expands learning beyond essential keyboarding skills. By giving the user the ability to choose the text they want to practice typing with, Ultimate Typing™ brings together two skills that are in high demand today: keyboarding and staying up to date with the latest information.

Whether you’re a homeschooled student, a 35 year old mom, or a busy professional, you'll appreciate the fact that the software offers a wide range of typing content to practice with. As you work on your typing skills, you'll also be reading and learning new information. The system has over 500 ebooks pre-installed to choose from, and users can also input or download any text documents they want to use to learn to touch type with.

Ultimate Typing™ is a complete typing tutor. It's obvious that a great deal of work and research has gone into its development. The practice lessons and games are engaging and offer users plenty of incentive to keep them motivated with their touch typing training.

It’s the perfect typing tutor for all sorts of learning environments, whether that's homeschooling, schools, or even offices. And it's the perfect typing tutor for you.

 Learn more or Purchase for $29.95


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