This is an index of posts (from Living and Learning at Home and also other blogs) that have to do with Classical homeschooling. These are posts that have been linked up to Trivium Tuesdays here at Living and Learning at home. If you have a post that you would like to have included in this list, just link-up to the next Trivium Tuesdays and I will add your post!
This list is broken down by stage (Grammar, Dialectic, and Rhetoric) and then by subject. This way it will be easy to find ideas, inspiration, encouragement, etc. on just the topic you need! It will be an ever-growing list, so check back often!
If one (or more!) of your blog posts has been listed, feel free to grab this button to place in your post, or anywhere on your blog.

The posts on this page are being moved over to Pinterest. Please see the new All Things Classical - On Pinterest page to find the posts that have already been moved over!
Weekly Wrap-Ups and Lesson Plans:
- Project Homeschool (week by week) from Keeping Life Creative
- Enjoying Fall in Indiana - Weekly Wrap-Up from the Homeschool Marm
- Math (and History) Monday from Royal Little Lambs
- Back to Work from Royal Little Lambs
- Homeschool Daily Schedule from Highhill Homeschool
- Gearing up for First Grade from The Linton Academy
- First Grade - Week One from The Linton Academy
All Ages:
- A System of Narration from Harmony Art Mom
- Notebooking from Lamad Living
- Favorite Read Alouds from Hope is the Word
- Presidential Penmanship from Tea Time with Annie Kate
- Planning Pages for Classical Education from Growing in Grace
- For the Knowledge that is Better than Silver or Gold - Our Homeschool Bible Education Plans from Harmony Art Mom
- The Language Roadmap from The Potter's Hand Academy
- Our Music Curriculum from Highhill Homeschool
- 7 Reasons to Teach Astronomy to your Kids from Intoxicated on Life
- Literature Terms - My Little Reminders from Harmony Art Mom
- Searching for that Perfect Timeline from Teaching Stars
- Bible Memory with Children from Intoxicated on Life
- Practicing Memory Work from Half a Hundred Acre Woods
- Memorization Using Chants, Cheers, and Poems from Mrs. Price is Right
- Why I Love Copywork from Homeschool Story
- Drawing With Children from Harmony Art Mom
- Book Binding: Creating Your Own Family Library from Teaching Stars
- Nature Study in Ripples from Handbook of Nature Study
- High Flying Physics from Golden Grasses
- Modern Foreign Language in Classical Education from Winterpast Finally
- Practical Arithmetics from Designers Sweet Spot
- Art with Matching Poetry - Cherry Tree from Trivium Pursuits
- Physical Education in the Classical Curriculum from Winterpast Finally
- Memory Work System from Homeschool Story
- Poem of the Week: The New Colossus from Homeschool Story
- Tips for a Family Visit to the Art Museum from Harmony Art Mom
- 10 Free Latin Resources from Intoxicated on Life
- Nobel Peace Prize Winner Cards (1901-1907) from Motherhood of Discussion
- Nobel Peace Prize Winner Cards (1908-1917) from Motherhood of Discussion
- How to Teach Writing from Golden Grasses
- How to Talk to Children About Art from Harmony Art Mom
- Christmas Countdown from My Teacher's Name is Mama
- Top Ten Reasons to Nature Notebook from Nature-Notebook
- 5 Days of Copywork from Living and Learning at Home
- Learning for Mastery: Some Practical Issues from Tea Time with Annie Kate
- Nature Study - Using Direct Observation from Harmony Fine Arts
- Mozart from Highhill Homeschool
- Nature Study is not a Drill from Handbook of Nature Study
- IEW - Giving Them Something to Write About from Harmony Fine Arts
- Van Gogh Sky Study w/ FREE notebooking page from Harmony Fine Arts
- Picture Study Using a Viewfinder from Harmony Fine Arts
- The Passion Hypothesis Turned On It's Head from Golden Grasses
- How to Read Aloud to your Kids Like a Pro from Intoxicated on Life
- See the Light Art Curriculum from I Choose Joy
- Google Art Project from Harmony Fine Arts
- Paint Like Seurat from Harrington Harmonies
- St. Matthew Passion by Bach from Tea Time with Annie Kate
- Why We Do History Presentations from Teacups in the Garden
- 5 Great Ideas to Help You Choose Bible Memory Verses for Kids from Intoxicated on Life
- Mesopotamia Song from Highhill Homeschool
- The Hoarse Little Horse from Teacher at Home
- Art Unit for Claude Monet from Harrington Harmonies
- Homeschooling with Mobil Apps from So You Call Yourself a Homeschooler
- Living Geography from As He Leads is Joy
- How to Have Musical Children from Designer's Sweet Spot
- Mystery of History review from As He Leads is Joy
- How we use Memory Work in Homeschool from Sprouting Tadpoles
- Art Cards from The Paper Maid
- Where in the Word was...? printable maps from The Linton Academy
- Why the Arts are an Integral Part of Our Homeschool from Classical Conversations at Home
Grammar Stage:
- Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Mo: Selecting books for Tapestry of Grace from Growing in Grace
- The "Who in the World Was..." Series from Hope is the Word
- Picture Books About the Medieval Period from Hope is the Word
- Roman Mosaics from Highhill Homeschool
- Historical Food Adventures from Highhill Homeschool
- Comprehensive, Interactive, and FUN History Curriculum from Intoxicated on Life
- Archaeology Adventure from Home is Real Sweet
- Parthenon out of Unit Blocks from Mother of Discussion
- Parthenon out of Unit Blocks (2) from Mother of Discussion
- Famous Figures of Ancient Times from Home is Real Sweet
- China Timeline Figures from Highhill Homeschool
- Classical Conversations Week Two and Nature Study from The Homeschool Marm
- China History Co-op - Tang Dynasty from Highhill Homeschool
- How to Hold a Reformation Day Celebration from I Choose Joy
- Its Okay to Build Your Pyramid with Legos from Homeschool Alumnus
- The Children's Homer from Hope is the Word
- Preparing for Thanksgiving in Williamsburg from Intoxicated on Life
- American Revolution Booklist from Harrington Harmonies
- Ancient History Timeline and Figures from Highhill Homeschool
- Historical Significance from The Potter's Hand Academy
- American Revolution Projects and Ideas from Harrington Harmonies
- It's Al Greek to Me! from Keeping Life Creative
- Trojan Horse Printable from Keeping Life Creative
- 10 Books for Westward Expansion and Early Industrial Revolution from Harrington Harmonies
- American Girl Multi-Sensory Curriculum from I Choose Joy
- Bible Resources: Animated Bible Stories for Kids from Blue Manor Education
- Ancient History Fun Links from Teach Where You Live
- Presidential Reports from Adventures in Mommydom
- How to Have Your Own Epic Greek Battle from The Crafty Homeschool Mama
- My Favorite Ancient History Activity Books from Living and Learning at Home
- Greek Columns from Highhill Homeschool
- Trojan Horse Book Report Pages from Living and Learning at Home
- Using Tapestries of Grace with Younger Students from Winecup Christian Homeschool
- Roman Roads and a Salt Dough Map from Sola Gratia Mom
- Geography Songs (Review) from Tea Time with Annie Kate
- Fun with Maps from Growing in Grace
- Winning our First Geography Fair from Keeping Life Creative
Science/Nature -
- Notebooking and Nature Study from Growing in Grace
- Science Kits from Teaching Stars
- Nuclear Fusion Bubble Party from Teaching Stars
- Field Trip to the Botanical Gardens from I Choose Joy
- Science through Art from from Harrington Harmonies
- Stargazing with Your Kids from Teaching Stars
- Ocean Boxes from I Choose Joy
- Lapbooking Through Life Science from iHomeschool Blog
- Biblical Science from Home is Real Sweet
- Human Body Unit - Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Activity from Highhill Homeschool
- The Way Things Work DVDs from Tea Time with Annie Kate
- Young Naturalists in the Classical Home from Homeschool Mosaics
- Astronomy Videos from Intoxicated on Life
- Human Body - Teeth from Highhill Homeschool
- Miss 10's Year Studying Fulbright's Botany from Tea Time with Annie Kate
- Apologia's Swimming Creatures from I Choose Joy!
- Why My Kid Loves Visual Latin from Intoxicated on Life
- Latin - Prima Latina from the Paper Maid
- Do Tell About Greek from the Paper Maid
Dialectic Stage:
General -
- What TS1 Has Been Up To from Our Great Homeschool Experiment
- Hills to Die On from The Potters Hand Academy
- Joy Hakim's The Story of Science Teacher's and Student's Quest Guide Review from Living the Life of Easier
- Virtual Dissection from Designers Sweet Spot
- Grafted into the Vine from Royal Little Lambs
- Cell Division from Highhill Homeschool
- Cell Walls from Highhill Homeschool
- Review - English Literature for Boys and Girls by H.E. Marshall from Tea Time with Annie Kate
- Building Vocabulary from Winterpast Family
- You Should Try John Buchan from Trivium Pursuit
- Book of Centuries Notebook Pages - Making a Timeline from Harmony Art Mom
- Tapestry of Grace Year 2 from The Potter's Hand Academy
- Who's Horatius and Why do I Care? from Golden Grasses
- Ancient History - Maps from Highhill Homeschool
- Hands on History and a free Jamestown Unit Study from Harrington Harmonies
- George vs George: The American Revolution Seen From Both Sides from Harrington Harmonies
- Free Roman History Books on Kindle from Living and Learning at Home
- Ancient Greece Writing Prompts from Highhill Homeschool
- Transition from the Grammar Stage to the Logic Stage from Intoxicated on Life
- A Logic Mystery from Trivium Persuit
- James Madison Critical Thinking Course from Tea Time with Annie Kate
- Discovery of Deduction review from Royal Little Lambs
- Puzzles and Games from Trivium Pursuit
- Logic Resources from the Critical Thinking Company review by Tea Time with Annie Kare
Physical Education -
- Floatin' Down the River Again from Tea Time with Annie Kate
Rhetoric Stage:
General -
- Finding Time for Nature Study, Art, Music, Poetry, and PE in High School from Harmony Art Mom
- Beyond My Area of Expertise from Harmony Art Mom
- Notebooking - Build Good Habits in your Homeschooler from Harmony Art Mom
- Managing the Pressure of High School from Golden Grasses
- Self Educating - Not the Same is UnSchooling from Harmony Art Mom
- Homeschooling High School - The Study of Rhetoric from Winterpast
- Law, Grace, and Classical Ed from Golden Grasses
- Note Taking 101 - Tips for Success from Tutoring the Triangle
- Ready, Set, Action! from Golden Grasses
- Exploring Augustine College from Tea Time with Annie Kate
- Highschool Thinking from Harmony Fine Arts
- How Should We Then Live review from Tea Time with Annie Kate
- Decisive review from Tea Time with Annie Kate
- How to Homeschool Through Highschool from Classical Conversations at Home
- Mommy Marks and Universities from Tea Time with Annie Kate
History -
- Enter the Spaniards, with an Attempt by France - Texas State History Notebook Part IV from Teacups in the Garden
- The Best Things in Life from Tea Time with Annie Kate
- The Classical Approach and Medieval History from Winterpast
- Lincoln's Last Days from Departing the Text
- SLAM, Shakespeare, and Homer from Departing the Text
- Review: The Genius of Ancient Man by Tea Time with Annie Kate
- 4 Year History Cycle from Harmony Fine Arts
- Horratio Hornblower from Designer's Sweet Spot
- 7 Tipping Points that Saved the World from Tea Time with Annie Kate
- Wise Words from Pharaoh Akhenaton series w/ Copywork from Living and Learning at Home
- 10 Christians Everyone Should Know review from Tea Time with Annie Kate
- David Raymond's American History review from Intoxicated on Life
- Mapping the World by Heart from Designer's Sweet Spot
- Geography Through Art - Ivory Chessman from Harmony Fine Arts
- Resources for Shakespeare's Henry V from Tea Time with Annie Kate
- Resources for Shakespeare's Hamlet from Tea Time with Annie Kate
- Notebooking with Living Books in High School from Harmony Art Mom
- Why Mythology Matters from The Potter's Hand Academy
- The Tempest Roars from Golden Grasses
- My Daughter's Great Book List from Teacups in the Garden
- Organizing Literature from Harmony Art Mom
- Shakespeare for Christians? from Harmony Art Mom
- Keeper of the Bees from Designer's Sweet Spot
- How to Use Notebooking Pages to Write Essays from Harmony Fine Arts
- Language Arts in Our High School Plans from Harmony Fine Arts
Science -
- Homeschool Science - Things I Would Do Differently from Harmony Art Mom
- Building Biblical Values: Character Sketches from Designers Sweet Spot
- Review: Stargazer's Guide to the Night Sky from Living and Learning at Home
- Math On DVD Pre-Calculus by Steven Gottlieb from Tea Time with Annie Kate
- Mathematic Problem Solving for Teens from Tea Time with Annie Kate
- Is all that Latin Study Worth It? from A Geeky Mom
- Economics for Everybody from Intoxicated on Life
**** If I have included one of your posts in this list, but you would rather it not be here, please let me know and I will remove it immediately!
Also, if you think that your post should be categorized differently, let me know and I'll change it! ****

That stinks that the page isn't working. It IS really such a valuable resource. I wonder what happened!
ReplyDeleteHopefully it will just work here as a post...the button on the side will link to this now. I'll have to check from time to time to see if the original page magically reappears!
DeleteWow! This is great. I'm just learning about homeschooling and I am currently focused on Montessori, but I love this summary. I've got lots of research to do and this is so helpful. Thank you for putting this together. I'm sure this was a TON of work. Thanks again!
Thank you! One of these days I'm going to re-format this list so that it is more user friendly (sorting and such), but it is a pretty daunting task, so I keep procrastinating =)
Deleteohmyword, Girlfriend! This is an amazing resource! LOVE it- I'll be sharing it, if you don't mind!
ReplyDeleteThanks! I'm slowly transferring it over to Pinterest boards since it is getting so long here. Hopefully over there it will be easier for everyone to find what they are looking for!