Friday, January 17, 2014

Kindergarten Arts...Take Two

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This week I am taking the time to talk about how I teach each subject and also what changes I am making for the rest of the year.  If you didn't read the Classical Kindergarten...Take Two intro post, take a minute to read that first so you understand why I am making some changes for the rest of the year.

 How we have been incorporating the arts

This is one subject that isn't so concrete in our homeschool, so we are not really making any specific changes.  What I do want, is to try to spend more time with all aspects of the arts.  This is especially important to me because my daughter shows strong interest in art and music and I want to make sure to give her ample time and resources to do these things.  She is just 3 years old now, but she loves to watch YouTube videos of people playing classical music, which has caused her to be obsessed with the violin =)  It's pretty much all she talks about and she walks around most of the day with two red sticks pretending to play.  I told her that if she shows a little responsibility with a toy guitar we got her for Christmas that we could get her a violin for her birthday.  Here is a video of her playing her 'violin' and singing Hark! the Herald Angles Sing...

So for the sake of my music-loving daughter (and because I know it's good for everyone), we include all kinds of art in our homeschool.  I've written about most of it before.  Here are some of the posts:

I haven't written anything about it yet but we been learning to draw with Mona Brookes' Drawing with Children.

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  1. You need to get that child a violin! Seriously. Three? She is right on in her singing and she would be perfect for Suzuki lessons right now. My son started when he was little and they are amazing once they get going. It will be worth it in so many ways.

    I popped over to read your fine arts post and love that you include so many aspects in your week for your kids. But, when I got to the video...amazing!

    1. Thanks for such a sweet comment, Barb! I have recently looked into Suzuki and found that there is a place pretty close to me that looks good. I'll probably start her within a few months. I'm happy to hear that you recommend the method/lessons!

      What I'm not sure about it what kind of violin to buy. I don't want to break the bank, but I also don't want a piece of junk =) She has even started saving her coins to buy one...little does she know it would take her years get close lol


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