Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Marshmallow Snowflakes

 To go along with our Melting Snow science activity last week, I thought it would be fun to make some marshmallow snowflakes!  The kids had a blast.  What could be more fun than an activity with marshmallows???

The process is really super simple.  All you need is a bag of big marshmallows, a bag of mini marshmallows, and some toothpicks.  At first I had Trevor follow my instructions and then just let him have at it to create whatever he wanted.  Here's his best effort at a snowflake....

Mackenzie LOVES anything fine motor.  She will sit and pour water between two cups for an hour, so I knew that she would enjoy poking marshmallows onto toothpicks =)  Trevor worked for a while on his snowflakes and then moved on to doing something with daddy, but Mackenzie stayed at the kitchen table for another half hour just poking marshmallows on each end of a toothpick and lining them up in rows!  Here is her best effort....

This was a fun, simple activity for kids of really any age!  Have you made any marshmallow creations with your little ones?  If not, give it a try!

Displayed on our mantle...

Happy Winter!

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  1. How fun! I must send my kiddos to your house....or you must move in next door! ;) We'll be doing this one....the little ones will love it!

  2. Can't wait to do this one with the kiddo's in a couple of weeks when we finish our Valentine's day stuff and move on too snow. Thanks for the great idea!

  3. This is a brilliant idea! I'm sure my kids will eat as many as they make, but we are SO going to do it! Thank you so much for sharing this at Teach Me Tuesday!!

  4. What a fun idea. And one can snack while they build it too!

  5. These are great! My boys would probably eat more marshmallows than create snowflakes ;) I would love for you to share with my readers if you get a chance: http://www.momontimeout.com/2012/02/taking-timeout-thursday-no-16.html

    1. Thanks for the invite! I bookmarked your site so I'll come and link up next week!

  6. Good idea! I just so happen to have everything on hand...maybe we'll do that today. My kiddos LOVE marshmallows.

  7. I love this idea!!! So Cute! I think I might try this with my daughter. She would love making something these.
    I currently have a link party going on and would love for you to share this and anything else you would like.


    1. Thank you for the invitation! I'll stop by for next week's link-up!

  8. We just tried something similar to build little houses. Amazing how fast the marshmallows disappeared, though. :)

  9. Ack! So simple and so neat! Why didn't I think of this!

  10. Thanks so much for the invite! I'll stop by next for next week's link-up!

  11. Thanks to everyone for your kind comments! I hope you have fun doing this with your children...and yes, the marshmallows can disappear fast if you don't keep your eye one them ;)

  12. These look so cute!!! Thanks for linking up to Thinky Linky Thursday!
    Lori @ Cachey Mama’s Classroom

  13. Super fun idea! My kids would LOVE making these! Would you please link up for Fun Stuff Fridays? http://www.toysinthedryer.com/2012/02/14-days-of-valentines-fun-stuff-fridays_10.html

    1. Lindsi...I just went over and linked it up for this weeks party =)

  14. Looks like they had so much fun and you made them look so pretty :) Thanks for sharing this with us at Sharing Saturday!! hope to see you again this week.


  15. great idea! so simple and effective!

  16. I did this with my boys this past week. I blogged about it and linked back to you. If you're interested in seeing that post, here's the link: http://sonshineclassicalacademy.blogspot.com/2012/02/week-in-review-21712.html
    Thanks for the great idea!

    1. Oh, I'm so glad you did it! I looked at your post, and your snowflakes turned out great! I really appreciate you linking to me post =) Thanks!

  17. So cute, how fun!


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