Monday, September 1, 2014

Start Your Morning with Classical Music - Scholé Everyday

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If you've been around here for the last few months, you'll know that I have been taken by the concept of Scholé.  It all started when I heard Dr. Christopher Perrin (from Classical Academic Press) speak about it at the Great Homeschool Convention this past spring.  Simply speaking, scholé means Restful Learning.  If you missed my post A Home Filled with Scholé a couple of months ago, definitely check it out before you read on.  In that post, you can see a video of Dr. Perrin talking about scholé and learn all about the concept.

This month, as many people are getting back to school (or are already back to school), I want give you lots of ideas so you can incorporate scholé into your homeschool days as well!  Can I tell you a secret?  I am not speaking as an authority here.  I am going to be learning about this right long with you!  Part of my reason for this series is self-serving.  I am determined to make my homeschool more restful this year, and I need accountability!  I have already structured our day to facilitate this type of learning, but I need your help!

Will you join me in a month of Scholé? 

Each weekday this month I am going to give you a simple idea for how you can add restful learning into your day.  You can read the idea and then implement it the following school day. That is what I am planning on doing!

Today my encouragement to you is to...

Start Your Morning with Classical Music

I don't know about you, but music calms me.  No matter how stressful my day is, if I think to turn on music, the stress begins to melt away.  Think of the mood it would set for your day if your kids walked out of their rooms and entered the kitchen to the sound of beautiful music.

I am committing to do this starting tomorrow!  The hard part for me will be getting ready and being in the kitchen when my kids get out of bed.  Usually I am on the computer working for an hour before my kids get up, so when they get out of bed they come find me and will often ask to watch TV.  I hate that, but I cannot blame them.  It will take me being more disciplined, but I know it will change the tone of the morning from the start!

Are you thinking, "Uggh, I don't like classical music, and I'm sure my kids won't either!"  Dr. Perrin said that if you say that, it just means that you haven't listened to enough classical music to find something that piques your interest.  Just keep trying until you find something you enjoy!

Where to Find Classical Music

I promise that nothing I suggest this month is meant to be difficult or costly.  I surely am not asking you to spend all your money buying new music.  Here are some ideas for how you can get great classical music to listen to:

  • Search YouTube for 'classical music', or the name of a specific composer.  Play it on your computer or smartphone.  The point is not for your child to watch the video, though.  Turn the screen off and just enjoy the music as you get ready for the day or eat your breakfast!
  • Check out your library's selection of classical music CDs.
  • Play a classical music station on Pandora 
  • Search the internet for other free classical music websites. Classics for Kids looks like a good one!
  • I put this app on my ipod and have enjoyed it! Classical Music I
  • Check out amazon for really cheap CDs and downloads like this one: The 50 Greatest Pieces of Classical Music
  • Be on the lookout at garage and library sales for super cheap CDs
  • If you are musical, play the piano, violin, or whatever you are good at as your children wake up.

Here's a little something to get you started =)  I'll try to share other pieces on social media throughout the month (so make sure you're following me!)

If you are purposing to incorporate scholé into your home this year, I'd love to hear from you!  Share with me what you are doing or how these ideas have impacted your homeschool and I can compile your stories in to a post.  I'd love to even have some guest bloggers if you'd like to write a whole post about how you are using scholé in your homeschool this year!  Contact me and let me know how you are doing!

Teaching from Rest: A Homeschooler's Guide to Unshakable Peace
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  1. I introduced my kids to classical during our homeschooling day and now years later - they all like it. It is definitely something that can be cultivated.

    Charlotte Mason says something about giving them the best and they won't want the mediocre. I apply that to music.

    I'll join with you in playing classical music to start the day. :)

    Looking forward to your other suggestions.

    1. I love the Charlotte Mason reference you brought up. I think that is so true. At least I hope it is =) Thanks for joining in!

  2. This is a wonderful idea! Classical music can also be calming when toddlers are on the rampage. :-)

    1. Thanks, Sara =) I think sometimes people assume that their kids won't like classical music so they don't play it (or maybe they don't like it themselves), but I know my kids really enjoy listening to all kinds of music and classical music definitely brings a little focus during those rampages!

  3. What a beautiful idea, Amy! I'm trying to be more intentional about adding more truth & beauty to our mornings and classical music is definitely on my list.

    Thanks for sharing the links - the app sounds very neat!

    1. Awesome, Tonia! 'Intentional' is just the right word for what I'm trying to get at here. Let us encourage and inspire one another this year!

  4. I'm so excited about this series! I just came across this restful learning concept recently and love the idea. Who wouldn't want that as a lifestyle?! I will be following along:-)

    1. Yeah! Happy to have you here! Hope you have been enjoying it so far =)

  5. This is a great idea!! Since I do not love classical music it will be a challenge but I think worth the test. Thanks for sharing that app

    1. You are welcome! Honestly we are not classical music fans typically, so this is a stretch for us too, but we are enjoying it! I wouldn't want to listen to it exclusively, but it's a nice start to the day =)

  6. We enjoy classical music here. :) I have a Pandora station for classical music as well as a couple of stations for individual composers.

    1. Wonderful! Sounds like you have this one down already then =)

  7. Thanks so much for this excellent series and your links to Christopher Perrin's talks. I used to be so task oriented, and I am more and more seeing the importance of taking time out to enjoy the beauty all around me.

    1. You are welcome! I am very task oriented as well, so I totally understand. =)

  8. Wow, I'm so glad for that app recommendation! We love all styles of music but it's actually really hard to find "new to us" classics to like unless you find somewhere good to get an overview of them. Thanks!

    1. You are welcome, Joan! I am no expert, so that type of app is really helpful to me =)

  9. We start our days with classical music -- normally a SQUILT lesson or listening from one of the composers we are studying in SQUILT. I totally agree this is a great way to start the day, Amy!

    1. I love that it is such a wonderful thing...that is so easy to do! Thanks, Mary


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