Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Trivium Tuesdays-Classical Link-Up #50

Welcome to Trivium Tuesdays!  This is a link-up aimed at encouraging and informing other homeschoolers who use the Classical model of teaching.  Here we can share with each other and learn from one another.

What is the number one question you get about homeschooling?  People always seem to ask me if I'm planning on homeschooling all the way through high school.  I'm not sure why they ask.  Small talk?  Teenagers need the social experience of public school?  High school is too hard to teach?  I know even many dedicated homeschoolers often think that they are not qualified to teach their children through high school.  Thankfully, in her link-up last week, Barb from Harmony Fine Arts offers us lots of encouragement and ideas, and promises that "you can't mess up!"  Sounds good to me =)  I was very encouraged by reading her post and I know you will be too!

Now onto this week's link-up!

Here are the rules:
  • Your post must have to do (in some way) with classical homeschooling (any age children).
  • Your post may be from your archives as long as you only post it one time on this link-up.
  • Please link to your direct post, not your blog in general.
  • Please place my Trivium Tuesdays button (found on my right sidebar) on your blog post so others can learn about this link-up!
  • It may be helpful to state in your link description what stage of the trivium or what subject your post is about, if applicable, so others can easily find posts they are interested in looking at.
  • Remember, everyone loves comments =) So don't be shy, and tell someone if you liked their post!

I reserve the right to remove any link-up that does not have to do with classical homeschooling.         If you are a regular here at Trivium Tuesdays and have something to share that is a little off topic, but still would be an encouragement to the readers here, please still share it =)  I'm referring to people who are just trying to get their blog more exposure without following the rules above.

I will visit each of your blogs this week and feature my favorite link-up for all to see next week!  Also, if your blog has a button I will place it on my sidebar (under Friends to Visit) for the week until it is replaced by the next week's favorite =)

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  1. Good morning! I wish that I had a homeschooling post but I am not starting homeschooling until next year...Glad to have found your site!! It will be useful!

    1. Thanks for the comment! I'm glad you are enjoying the link-up =) How exciting that you will be starting to homeschool next year! Are you thinking of using the classical method?

  2. Thanks for featuring my post this week Amy....my children are some of the most socialized people I know because they were exposed to all ages of people during their high school years and could relate to them all. It is the one thing that most people comment on when they meet my kids...they are super easy to talk to.

    Homeschooling through high school has been the best of the best as far as homeschooling goes. You are no longer teaching them the mechanics of learning like how to read or how to write but they get to take all those skills and actually DO something with them...and you get to be a part of it. :)

    1. I can imagine that it quite rewarding! Though seeing them learn to read and such is quite rewarding too. I guess every stage is special =)

  3. Hi, Amy!
    Thank you for hosting this link-up :) Today I am sharing the guest post by JES. She regularly contributes at Deep Roots at Home, and I believe you will love her work! This is how I taught our children when younger.
    Blessings and Hugs!
    BTW, I love it when you share your posts at 'Encourage One Another'. Thank you!

    1. I'm so happy that you had a post to link up! I'll try to link up to EOA more often =) I do visit your site often, I just don't always feel like my posts are quite right for you link up. Thanks so much for visiting!


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